Marci Shimoff Speaks on Love & Happiness
The third thing I’ve found is that the heart is the portal to love. Not just the flesh and blood heart, but our spiritual hearts. People who are living in a state of love for no reason have really healthy, strong, wise, open hearts. So all the practices we have in Love for No Reason are to support a healthy, strong, wise open heart.
So, to clarify for those who haven’t read the book, Love for No Reason is not about finding a person you love.
Everybody says that! Everybody thinks it’s a book about relationships, or finding a
relationship or finding love. But it’s a book about total and complete awakening. Awakening of the heart.
Would you say that, right now, humanity is experiencing an awakening that we’re on the cusp of a different level? Are we on the verge of a big transition?
Absolutely. There’s way too much evidence, from the level of prophecy, from what we’re learning scientifically, and from our own experiences, to not see this grand shift. We’re going through a personal and global awakening that has to do with the raising of consciousness and the energetic vibration. Ultimately, it’s an awakening of love. It’s a love revolution. The ways in which humanity has operated in the past has been very much governed by the energy of fear. Now we’re waking up to how to live in the energetic vibration of love.
This is the most thrilling time to be on the planet. There’s such a huge opportunity for transformations to happen much faster and more completely than we’ve ever seen. It’s a collective rising of consciousness and openness of the heart.
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