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The 12 Children of the Light

The 12 Children of the Light

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The story of the Gifts given to the 12 Children of the Light.

by Martin Shulman

The 12 Children of the Light – An Astrological Tale from the Astrologer Martin Shulman

“Birth is not the beginning, Death is not the end.” ~Chuang – Tsu

And it was morning as God stood before his 12 Children of the Light and into each of them planted the seed of human life. One by one each child stepped forward to receive their appointed gift.

“To you Aries, I give my seed first that you might have the honor of planting it. That for every seed you plant one million more will multiply in your hand. You will not have time to see the seed grow for everything you plant creates more that must be planted. You will be the first to penetrate the soil of men’s minds with My Idea. But it is not your job to nourish the idea nor to question it. Your life is action and the only action I ascribe to you is to begin making men aware of my creation. For your good work, I will give you the virtue of Self-Esteem.”

Quietly Aries stepped back into place.

“To you Taurus I give the power to build the seed into substance. Your job is a great one requiring patience for you must finish all that has been started or the seeds will be wasted to the wind. You are not to question nor change your mind in the middle nor to depend on others for what I ask you to do. For this, I give you the gift of Strength. Use it wisely.” And Taurus stepped back in place. “To you Gemini, I give the questions without answers so that you may bring to all an understanding of what man sees around him. You will never know why men speak or listen, but in your quest for the answer you will find my gift of Knowledge.”

And Gemini stepped back in place.

“To you Cancer, I ascribe the task of teaching men about emotion. My Idea is for you to cause them laughter and tears so that all they see and think develops fullness from inside. For this, I give you the gift of Family, that your fullness may multiply.”

And Cancer stepped back in place.

“To you Leo I give the job of displaying My Creation in all its brilliance to the world. But you must be careful of pride and always remember that it is My creation, not yours. For if you forget this, men will scorn you. There is much joy in the job I give to you if you but do it well. For this, you are to have the gift of Honor.”

And Leo stepped back in place.

“To you Virgo, I ask for an examination of all man has done with My Creation. You are to scrutinize his ways sharply and remind him of his errors so that through you, My Creation may be perfected. For doing this I give you the gift of Purity of Thought.” And Virgo stepped back in place.

“To you Libra I give the mission of service, that man may be mindful of his duties to others. That he may learn cooperation as well as the ability to reflect the other side of his actions. I will put you everywhere there is discord, and for your efforts, I will give you the gift of Love.”

And Libra stepped back in place.

“To you Scorpio I give a very difficult task. You will have the ability to know the minds of men, but I do not permit you to speak about what you learn. Many times you will be pained by what you see, and in your pain, you will turn away from Me and forget that it is not I but the perversion of My Idea that is causing your pain. You will see so much of man that you will come to know him as animal and wrestle so much with his animal instincts in yourself that you will lose your way; but when you finally come back to Me, Scorpio, I have for you the supreme gift of Purpose.”

And Scorpio stepped back in place.

“Sagittarius, I ask you to make men laugh for ad mist their misunderstanding of My Idea they become bitter. Through laughter, you are to give Man hope, and through hope turn his eyes back to Me. You will touch many lives if but only for a moment, and you will know the restlessness in every life you touch. To you Sagittarius, I give the gift of Infinite Abundance, that you may spread wide enough to reach into every corner of darkness and bring it to light.”

And Sagittarius stepped back in place.

“Of you Capricorn, I ask the toil of your brow, that you might teach men to work. Your task is not an easy one for you will feel all of man’s labors on your shoulders, but for the yoke of your burdens I put the responsibility of man in your hands.”

And Capricorn stepped back in place.

“To you Aquarius, I give the concept of future that man might see other possibilities. You will have the pain of loneliness for I do not allow you to personalize My Love. But for turning man’s eyes to new possibilities I give you the gift of Freedom, that in your liberty you may continue to serve mankind whenever he needs you.”

And Aquarius stepped back in place.

“To you Pisces, I give the most difficult task of all. I ask you to collect all of Man’s sorrow and return it to me. Your tears are to be ultimately My tears. The sorrow you will absorb is the effect of man’s misunderstanding My Idea, but you are to give him compassion that he may try again. For this the most difficult task of all I give the greatest gift of all. You will be the only one of My twelve children to understand Me. But this gift of understanding is for you, Pisces for when you try to spread it to Man, he will not listen.”

And Pisces stepped back in place.

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Then God said “You each have a part of My Idea.

You must not mistake the part given to you for all of My Idea, nor may you desire to trade parts with each other.

For each of you is perfect, but you will not know that until all twelve of you are ONE. For then the whole of My Idea will be revealed to each of you.”

And the 12 Children of Light left, each determined to do his job best that he might receive his gift. But none fully understand his task or his gift, and when they returned puzzled God said, “You each believe that other gifts are better. Therefore I will allow you to trade.” And for the moment each child was elated as he considered all the possibilities of his new mission.

But God smiled as he said “You will return to Me many times asking to be relieved of your mission, and each time I will grant you your wish. You will go through countless incarnations before you complete the original mission I have prescribed for you.

I give you countless time in which to do it, but only when it is done can you be with Me.”

“The reality of my life cannot die for I am indestructible consciousness.” ~Paramahansa Yogananda

The light in its truest form is a connection with God. Our hearts long to take part in the light and to be children of light. From the very beginning, God created us to be children of light. He created us to live as the family of Light.



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The 12 Children of the Light was shared by Humanity Healing

View Comments (29)
  • I Love this piece. The whole time I was reading I acknowledged the synchronicity of all 12 children of light within me.What a beautiful feeling. My intuition and knowing is always right. Thank you so much for this blessing. Namaste

  • “For each of you is perfect, but you will not know that until all twelve of you are ONE.” I’m crying now after that reading that but I don’t know why. I miss it…oneness? idk, there are no words. Thank you for this article 🙂 Satnam 1ov3

  • What piece of fiction is this article from? The Bible, (God’s Word) does not say anything about 12 children of light. The only true word of God that is mentioned in the above article is the reference to John 8:12. The Bible also says in the very end that anyone changing one word of His Word will be cursed. Crap like this will be printed but let’s see if my posts gets in mentioning the only way to eternal life is through Jesus the Christ. This article is an example of how people have gotten so misguided; Lauren and sucking it up as the truth, you should be so ashamed..

  • Speaking of misguided people and works of fiction, you should watch Zeitgeist and expand your own mind. The Bible is a work of fiction. You have been brainwashed.

  • For you to make the illiterate statement that the Bible is fiction only shows you have never read it from cover to cover and until you do don’t try to sound informed.

  • Actually, Garnet, I had 13 years of formal Catholic education. So, yes, I have read the Bible numerous times. I was once asleep like you.

  • Who are you to judge its an inspiring article in polytheism we believe many religions with many gods and there is no need to cut down another because they felt inspiration you should feel the shame ye who judge Garnet stone a narrow minded outlook leads to narrow places have fun being an a**

  • He is having a great deal of issues, watch you’re words keep em sweet fore you never know which ones you’ll eat!

  • Humans who use religion to control faith and people often add the don’t change anything line to keep future prophets from being heard. Jesus was a man just like Moses, Mohammad, Buddah and so on. Where they get their wisdom or “messages” from is another question and another discussion.

  • Nd i personally feel jesus christ was pisces.. Bcz a capricorn cant have so much compassion nd a will for sacrifice as much as a piscean..
    “To you Pisces I give the most difficult task of all. I ask you to collect all of man’s sorrow and return it to me. Your tears are to be ultimately My tears. The sorrow you will absorb is the effect of man’s misunderstanding My Idea, but you are to give him compassion that he may try again. For this the most difficult task of all I give the greatest gift of all. You will be the only one of My twelve children to understand Me. But this gift of understanding is for you, Pisces for when you try to spread it to man he will not listen.”

  • I loved this story. It is so surreal. He is the Light. We are the Children of that Light. I love my Father, my Brother Jesus, My Daughter and My husband. They are now Pure Light.. through Pure Love. When my daughter left to go be with My Father, she was not afraid. She was not in pain. She was not anxious. I saw her soul leave her body. I thought she was turning around to look at me for the last time, but it was not me. She was looking down at her hip, a new soul was going to take her place. She wanted me to watch for it. No, she was not pregnant. She was not saying goodbye, she was kneeling before her King, her posture was perfect. She was before Him, I saw it all. I am proud of My Daughter. I am so proud to have been chosen to raise this Soul for the time I did. When she shot into the universe, before she left, she blinked at me if saying, I am okay. I am safe. For me, I am not a religious person, I do not go to church. I am, however, very spiritual. He did give me the most difficult do not listen, I am Pisces. The new soul to look out for arrived 2 yrs ago..I will be his guardian angel on Earth. Do not argue over the bible. Man wrote it. Look into your own soul, there, and only there will you be able to see.

  • this here reply is Fer Garnet Stone ( please forgive my lack of proper punctuation, I’m am no typist ~ SERIOUSLY ! ) oh and I love the Tilde (~ ~ ~) dearest Garnet : you are right! the bible didn’t mention 12 children of light However, it did mention 12 tribes of Israel ¡¡¡ Now, I’ve read my task and i understand what my gift is and I gotta tell ya it’s 96% correct ~ I’m a virgo (6) and after careful deliberate/diligent research on my part I was blessed to find my Hebrew tribe ~ “naphtali” ~ which coincidentally is the (6th) Hebrew tribe ~ and they seem wayyy too similar in purpose and deed for this to be some half truth ~ oh here’s some useless but fun facts about me ~ check this out; I’m Virgo (6) I’m naphtali (6) I’m born in the (6th) Hebrew month “elul”/(6th) zodiacal month I’m the (6th) of (6) children / tallest person in my whole family history ~ both sides! (6’5) and I am also the end of my family’s line 10th generation american mother’s (6th) generation father’s side ~ spooky huh ? I’m telling you all of this because I’m extra super serious about finding TRUTH ~ and I have been extremely blessed in my acquisition of just that ~ open up your thought process ~ find a Hebrew text of Scripture ( or a 21st century catholic text/new Jerusalem ) 1st read whatever your zodiacal sign says about you ~ then go to Genesis chapter 29 verses 31 thru 35 ~ all of chapter 30 and 49 (Jacobs death bed oracle ) then compare notes ~ use Google ~ denomination free bible dictionaries ~ talk to anthropologists sociologists archaeologists denomination free theologians ~ etcetera ~ find out how divinity and science are not mutually exclusive ( science is the force of nature and it’s synergy ~ NOT THE SOURCE of it ! that’s DIVINITY and I believe that to be the same source of Noah ~ Abraham ~ Isaac ~ Jacob ~ and The Messiah ( his mama called him “Yashua Messiah” ya’ll call him “JC”) ~ and yes ! its the same fella !!! I hope this tirade/ incessant babble helps ya ~ tilde tilde tilde ~

  • Ok I’m puttin my 7 sense in here ~ ( & yes I spelled “cent” as
    “sense ” to be clever humm ~) oh and please forgive my lack of correct punctuation etcetera for I am not any kind of typist & Slightly dents ~ or would that be dense ??? WHETHER you believe in only a small portion of all of this or be completely mind aware & opened about all of this it’s a good idea to have a civilized dialog and stay away from name calling and argumentative is fine combativness isn’t ~ tilde tilde tilde ~ let’s see now ; there are 12 zodiacal signs { Aries thru Pisces } there are also 12 tribes of Israel { Reuben thru Benjamin } now for those of you who can hear me LISTEN !!!¡¡¡ read your sign from this alegory then find a Hebrew text of Scripture or a new Jerusalem /or even a 21st century catholic text and read up on the 12 tribes it’s in Genesis 29 verses 31 thru 35 chapter 30 ~ all of it and all of chapter 49 ( Jacobs death bed oracle ) AND FIND YOUR TRIBE ! ~ tilde here’s some fun & useless facts bout me ~ {I just love the tilde } im a virgo (6th sign) I’m naphtali (6th tribe) ~ born in the (6th) hebrew month “elul” ~ I’m the (6th) of (6) children ~ tallest in my family history ~ both sides ~ (6’5) ~ spooky ain’t it ? I’m telling ya’ll all of this because I’m am seeking THE TRUTH ! and not part of it ~ I want at least 96% of it ( 4% margin for error ) before I go I’M GETTIN OLD ! SO, open up those brilliant minds of yours and start resourcing /researching all those things that you have ever been told by any & everyone ~ ( me included ¡¡¡ ) this is a a beautiful piece (PEACE) of prose PAY HEED ¿? !

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