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In Tune with the Moon 2013

In Tune with the Moon 2013

In Tune With the Moon 2013 book cover

The Ultimate Guide to Growing Your Own Food

In Tune With the Moon 2013 book coverPrince Charles is one of a growing number of gardeners who uses the principles of ‘biodynamics’ in his organic garden at Highgrove. Britain’s most famous gardener, Monty Don, also grows his plants “in tune with the moon.” Many of these gardeners use Findhorn Press’ biodynamic guides “In Tune With the Moon”, the latest edition of which is out now.

Planting by the phases of the moon is a method of cultivation as old as agriculture. The most ancient records of growing plants show a reliance on selecting the proper signs in the heavens for planting and performing garden chores in conjunction with the moon’s phases. In a nutshell, it means that various plants do best when planted or harvested during a specific phase of the moon.

Moon phase gardening was believed by many generations of gardeners to be the ultimate guide to robust crops. Plants respond to the same gravitational pull of tides that affect the oceans, which alternately stimulates root and leaf growth.

Available in France for over 30 years this is the sixth edition of “In Tune with the Moon” published by Findhorn Press. Back in 2007 when Findhorn Press issued the 2008 edition a lot of people were skeptical that growing following the moon’s cycle was going to make a different to their crops. Now trials by various growers, including Britain’s most famous gardener, Monty Don, have proved that there is a significant difference in both the yield and flavor of crops grown in tune with the moon. Moon phase gardening has stood the test of time and is a reliable method of growing and one used by Prince Charles on his farm at Highgrove.

“This biodynamic approach to gardening in harmony with the moon is a simple and green way to boost garden yields and live a better life” ~OM Times Magazine

Updated for alignment with the 2013 lunar cycles, this detailed guide includes information on the waxing and waning moon, the constellations and the Chinese zodiac, and an abundance of gardening tips. The effects of the moon on plants, flowers, fruits, and vegetables are explained in simple but ample detail, and recommendations for the ideal times to sow, transplant, rotate crops, and harvest are provided.

The guide explains how animal husbandry, beekeeping, even beer brewing and wine making yield better results when done in concert with the lunar cycle. In addition to gardening and farming advice, suggestions for living life in tune with the moon are offered, such as the optimum time for a haircut or even when and what to eat. An extensive color-coded daily diary section makes it easy to record reminders and daily gardening tasks.

See Also

“I might be oversimplifying here, but biodynamic gardening is, in essence, organic gardening by an astronomical calendar. For those of you unconvinced that this is a valid way to work your garden, bear in mind that this practice has existed for centuries and was in fact the earliest science applied to agriculture.”
~Todd Heft, the Big Blog of Gardening

To learn more or to purchase the book, click on the book cover, or visit: Findhorn Press

About the Author

Michel Gros grew up on a farm and was an organic market gardener for many years. He recently gave up farming to devote all his energy to his successful lunar calendar project.

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