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Affirmations, Now!

Affirmations, Now!

As we forge ahead into 2013, it is a good time to recognize the power of positive thinking has managed to lead many people into realizing new life in their present circumstances. The affirmations we tell our self serve us right where we are, and maybe when we need to hear them most. They carry more influence than any resolution might. As with any major awareness, affirmations have a way of setting our intention and confirm what is possible.

With such promises, why would we not want to make positive affirmations to ourselves every day? We might make one and figure out ways to “be that” throughout our waking hours. Another way to interact with affirmation would be to recognize there are strings of them that are true and exist at various times throughout the day, being grateful to note each one.

When we speak an affirmation such as, “I am a beautiful person,” and feel the sentiment within and without, our existence resonates with the vibration of those words. We emanate this spirit to others, who can sense what we are and echo it back to us, in quite the same way others will return a smile. In this way, affirmations are not only words of hope, but living actions.

Affirmations are more than resolving to chase after some future wish or hope. They are present-time evidence of our beliefs and reflections. They serve to unite past, present and future along with spirit and matter. Affirmations lead us, and we them, in a cyclic way that benefits not only us but also others we contact.

How does one come up with an affirmation that we can live with now? Think of your response when someone asks you what you do or who you are. Do you describe your existence by the jobs you have held in the past (“I’ve worked in banking for the past 15 years…”) or wish to have in the future (“I‘m studying to be a physicist.”)? It is great to look back on your accomplishments and have hope for the future. We sometimes have trouble narrowing down, or admitting to, our present circumstances.

An affirmation confirms what “is.” It is what we are. It is word-based evidence of what is happening “now.” It is as simple as observing (“my hair is brown”) and knowing it to be true. There is no maybe about it, there is no shading from the past or question or fear about the future associated with it. Simple, honest truth that exists right now is what we affirm, and that is satisfactory.

Of all the possibilities that may be out there, “this” is what exists. This affirms “my” analysis of, or connection with, the interaction of life. Until life changes once again and we can pinpoint another snapshot to share. Be it by choice or circumstance, an affirmation describes our path to others. It is our intention made manifest, our choice to “be” in this moment.

See Also

May our affirmations for 2013 be positive ones, for us all to enjoy at every moment throughout the year.

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