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Drunvalo Melchizedek: The Cosmic Cycles Come Full Circle

Drunvalo Melchizedek: The Cosmic Cycles Come Full Circle


Everything was going fine for thousands of years, until about 4,000 years before the sinking of Atlantis. A meteorite came out of the night sky and struck the Earth, just missing the western shores of Atlantis, which would now be very close to the eastern shores of the United States. Before it hit the ocean, it broke into three pieces.

The three pieces went into the ocean and made three huge, deep holes near the edge of Atlantis..

One of the three pieces of the meteorite struck very close to Atlantis and destabilized their continent. It left them on the edge of a huge abyss. And so 4,000 years later, or a little less than 13,000 years ago from now, the Earth experienced a pole shift. The continent of Atlantis couldn’t withstand the extreme movement, and being so close to this enormous hole in the Earth, it sank beneath the ocean.

The high-level Nakkals knew their continent was going to go underwater – they knew at least 200 years before the event – and thus they were prepared for the catastrophe.”

The rest of the story is amazing! We know you will love this book!

OM Times Magazine caught up with Drunvalo and asked him to share his knowledge with our readers.

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Lee Harris

OM Times: Drunvalo, give us a little history behind the importance of December 21st and the current time period we live in.

Many people are talking about the cosmic alignment between the Earth, the Sun and the center of our Galaxy on December 21st, about physical and potentially dramatic changes on Earth, and about the shift of consciousness that is related to these events.

According to the Mayan elders, there is a window of opportunity for a global shift in consciousness until January 2016 and every day during this period of time is equally prone to this possibility. Regarding the physical changes on Earth, I’ve mentioned several times that it is up to Mother Earth and Father Sun to decide on when and how this will occur and that this information has not yet been released to humanity.

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