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5 Tips to Releasing Unwanted Habits

5 Tips to Releasing Unwanted Habits

2. Set Intentions Instead of Resolutions

A resolution is a declarative statement about a definite outcome.  An intention is also specific, but it is born out of soul work and a real longing for transformation.  A resolution is about the destination and an intention is about the journey.  The feeling behind the two makes all the difference.  An intention is a present moment, energetic investment that makes our lives more purposeful and fulfilling.  It is striving for impeccability, where joy isn’t found in the missing 10 pounds, it is found when our heart and our actions are in alignment. When your values match your behavior and that is not measured by outcome, but by growth.

3. Breaking the Contract

See Also

The thing about habits is that they serve us and they do so quite well. We make agreements with our habits.  Somewhere along the line we decided to give that habit power.  You don’t create a habit without full agreement on your part. Unless you make new agreements with healthier behaviors, that behavior will continue.  Look at what need the habit is satisfying and why you agreed to it in the first place. It is important to understand how it is serving you. Ask yourself why, if you know that habit is creating dis-ease, you choose to continue it?  It is not about the smoking or the fast food.  Don’t get me wrong there are highly addictive components to each of those, but what makes you different than the many people who have quit an unhealthy habit?  Are they stronger than you or do they have more willpower?

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