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5 Tips to Releasing Unwanted Habits

5 Tips to Releasing Unwanted Habits


5. Use Your Connection to Source

We all know intellectually that we are all connected, but we need to appreciate how this connection can help us in times like these.  One of the most powerful recommendations I can make for someone wanting to kick a bad habit, is to draw on the strength of the divine.  Contemplation meditations are a powerful way to do this.  Some words, such as temperance, have universal energy attached to them.  Use the word temperance as the anchor of your meditation.  Draw in the breath and breath out temperance.  Allow the word to originate in your heart center and move throughout your body.  If it is compassion or forgiveness you seek, then do the same thing using the word that resonates with you.  Drawing on the divine energies of these words bring a relaxed, stable physiology to the body. It balances the mood, works on changing the programming in the mind and opens the heart without focusing on the negative habit. With each breath you are breaking your agreements and allowing the healing energies of that word to permeate your energy field.

Angela Levesque is health educator, writer, exercise physiologist and energy healer. She hosts a weekly online radio show called On Health & Healing on and teaches several classes on self care for chronic illness. Visit for more information. Follow her on and

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