The Mystics of Modern Music

They exist in every form of the music we listen to. They are magically creative souls who are gifted spiritually, humanely expressing their innermost feelings and inspiring others to heal by simply listening. They can be so tuned in to channeling the light which brings connection that they tune out everyone and everything else for long periods of time. It can be difficult for them to ground themselves in the reality of life here on earth. They love the feeling of that other “plane” they astral travel to onstage and when they are creating in the studio.
They are fulfilling a purpose here while still learning how to get along, just like the rest of us. Some artists are obvious in their missions while others are certainly more obscure. Most of them defy gravity with their talent and fame but still face the same personal challenges that many humans experience. Yet, somehow we can hold them to higher standards, because we also instinctively know they are listening at a higher vibration. However, it can be a real challenge for some of them to excel in other areas of life.
For most of us, music is a gateway to pure joy. It inspires us, heals us, wakes us up, lets us know we are not alone. It makes us dance and sing. It gives us a reason to get up and try again. Tones and highlights decorate our dreams and give us hope. Thank God for all the Lightworkers who chose to express that light through music! The first time I heard Led Zeppelins’ ‘Stairway to Heaven’ I visualized a beautiful woman with light running through and all around her. It left me feeling peaceful, joyful and anxious at the same time. I wondered if a world like that really existed. Were they writing about this other dimension I had seen when I was a child? Had they seen it too or was this just my own personal visualization of the song? Do artists always know the how, where and ‘whyabout’ where it all comes from? It depends on the artist. Sometimes all they know is that it just comes out as words and music and the rest is up to us to recognize.
Pop, rock, and alternative music are overlooked when it comes to spirituality but that is exactly where many of us found ours. Listening to Coldplay, U2, Enya, Collective Soul and R.E.M., it is obvious there is a deeper meaning and a real message inside the beauty of the music. It’s real, raw and otherworldly when you know how to tune it in. It will remind you that you are understood, loved, forgiven and healed because you are never alone in this crazy life. The Source sends us help from every direction.
If you listen to certain lyrics, you will hear many key words which touch the spiritual code inside our brains. There are songs about light, love, healing, strength, courage. Words that transcend the romantic love between partners and find the “other side” to inspire the heart and soul. John Mayer is a great example of an amazing songwriter and channeler. His lyrics reflect much more than romantic love and when he plays the blues on his guitar, he is in a soul zone all of his own. Yet he has been maligned in the media over his personal life and everyone misses the point. We are all still doing our soul work. We are all still learning how to be here. How to appreciate each other for our gifts and how we overcome our challenges. What about just appreciating the message and not judging the messenger?
These beautiful mystical souls are a necessary and amazing part of our ascension into light beings. They are a breath of life in a changing and fearful world. They bring us the much needed hope, communication and connection we crave. We need them as much as they need our love, understanding, forgiveness and compassion. As the World continues to move forward and evolve, they in turn will continue to help light up the New Earth.
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Judi Lynch lives near Huntsville, AL and works full time as a psychic medium, spiritual adviser, healing energy channel, author and teacher. She is the co-founder of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c)3 non-profit charity dedicated to healing through raising spiritual consciousness with psychic communication, energy healing, ascension awareness, crystals and meditation. Her first book “Friends with Lights, A True Story” is available on Amazon. Judi Lynch is also a Featured Columnist for OM Times Magazine.
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Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity and featured columnist for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read for clients all over the world.