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Mining the US: The Wegner Quartz Crystal Mine

Mining the US: The Wegner Quartz Crystal Mine

In 1978 Richard Wegner discovered the alluring beauty of the Ouachita Mountains in west central Arkansas. The attraction was so great that he began searching for a new home in the Spring of 1979. After searching for a month, he narrowed his search to the area surrounding Lake Ouachita – a jewel in the mountains. He constructed a log cabin home and other buildings to start up what he thought would be a horticultural business.

One day when discovering broken clear stones in his garden, his curiousity peaked so he walked the property perimeter to familiarize himself more with the land and it new potential. Soon he discovered several shallow trenches around the mountainside. Gleaming in the piles were small quartz crystals. They were everywhere and he felt a deep heartfelt connection to the earth and its glory at that time. He stayed at the site and quietly saw his calling laid out in front of him. His spirit was moved and his carefully laid plans were put aside in order to begin to follow his heart.

He then spent his time studying geology and other earth sciences. He chose not to consult with existing mining operators because he wished to create a venture based on HIS vision. In 1980 he started Wegner Enterprises, Inc. and Wegner Quartz Crystal Mines to begin the prospecting on his land and on government lands. The crystals began to emerge from the earth as he and his neighbor Randy hand dug in several areas on his land. Realizing the need for equipment to move the large rock, he leased an excavator. He produced thousands of pounds of high quality clear crystals in a short time. He realized that finding a market entailed a global approach, so he attended the largest marketplace, the 1981 Tucson Gem & Mineral Shows. Once discovered, his crystals sold out in a few days, leaving a week to still sell with no product. His love and thrill of mining the exquisite crystals made him realize it was time to expand and hire employees. By 1983 he employed 30 full time workers and they took semi-trucks loaded with many tons of crystals to Tucson and still they sold almost everything except the truck. It was really then when he realized, “the world needs these gemstones” as they went all over the planet.

At some point during all this success, he realized the important role he played. His intention from the beginning was to protect the environment, contribute to the local economy as an employer, and to spiritually grow through his grounding connection to the earth. He studied the metaphysical aspects as well as traditional Native American Indian uses of the stones. He invited the local Ouachita Indians to have their Pow-Wow on his land. He participated in a blessing of his land. He learned a great deal more about the care of the earth from the Indian people.

On the 22nd of September 1996, Reiki Masters from around the country visited his Phantom mine with the intent of attuning the earth with love. He was privileged to stand in the circle as they carefully walked the symbols into the earth. This powerful experience was joined by people in many places via the internet.

Currently, his focus is on producing the more rare and unusual quartz crystal types. Phantom, (manganese included), crystals are their mainstay, also smoky crystals and huge single crystals are being mined currently. Occasionally, he finds huge clusters weighing thousands of pounds and laboriously extract these intact to clean and market. At this time, Richard has three separate mines to provide their current selection.

Their inventory consists of hundreds of tons of crystals and other minerals from around the world. Our 10,000 sq. ft. warehouse provides their customers the largest selection and a peaceful atmosphere. They also stock a wide variety of products for resale. You can go and dig for yourself and make an adventure out of it. Your pale could contain aquamarine, rubies, garnet, opal, tourmaline, quartz crystal, amethyst, emerald or others!

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The Wegner Quartz Crystal Mine is located at PO Box 205 82 Wegner Ranch Road, Mt Ida, Arkansas 71957 There phone number is (870) 867-2309. Their email:

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About the Author

Andrew Pacholyk MS, L.Ac. Alternative medicine and therapies for healing mind, body & spirit!

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