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How to Tune Into the Spirit World

How to Tune Into the Spirit World

Spirit World

Did you know you have the ability to connect with the spirit world already inside you?

Connecting with the Spirit World

By Michelle Beltran



Some Must-Knows about the Spirit World

We are all psychic! Whether you know it or not or even believe it, you are psychic. You were born with this deep-seated intuitiveness. Having said that, we can all learn to play the piano, but we may not all become Mozart-like in our level of piano playing. Everyone’s chosen path will be unique and valuable, however, regardless of to what extent they take their intuitive knowledge.

Remember that this journey is not about being a medium or psychic. Rather, it is about self-actualization and your spiritual growth and advancement. Ask yourself, “What am I learning about myself?” as you open this door.

The ability to talk with the spirit world and/or be psychic is like a muscle. It absolutely gets stronger with time and practice. The challenge for most is not being psychic but believing that they are.


Six Golden Rules for Connecting to the Spirit World

Rule #1: There is no golden rule! This journey is unique and highly individual. Honor that.


Rule #2: Say what you see! Too often, students fear to say what they see or recognize as the truth. In so doing, they lose valuable and meaningful information. What you are receiving always has meaning.


Rule #3: First come first true. As you open this door, trust what comes first. This will be what is most accurate.


Rule #4: You are the boss. Use your own higher knowing and intuition. It is always the most valuable information you can get. Trust in it. Your emotions and gut feelings about things are part of this intuitiveness.


Rule #5: Relax and let the information come. Enjoy the journey as it is a process, and the ‘process’ is the gift. Your desire to be right or ‘get’ images is ego and will hinder your connection.



Rule #6: Readings and healings and any other modality while using your intuitive abilities are done with the reader’s permission.


Five Steps to Connect With the Spirit World

Step #1 – Set Your Intention

State out loud your intention to open this door to speak and receive messages from the Spirit World, whether on a personal level or in a formal reading session. The Universe has heard you. There is a divine plan much greater than you in this intention. Now, let it be brought to you.


Step #2 – Meditation

In your daily meditation, be sure to quiet your logic and thinking in the left brain. Say hello and then goodbye to your left brain. Agree with your left brain that you will reconvene another time.  Meditation and quieting your mind will assist in a quicker and clearer connection with the spirit.


Step #3 – Listen

Listening for signs, symbols, and messages in your day is the next step in this journey. These may come in your dreams, in song, in synchronistic-like events in your day that strike you as coincidence. Coincidence is nonexistent. Have you ever been thinking of your loved one and reminded of the very special favorite song you two shared, then later that day you heard it on the radio?  Indeed, this was your loved one.


Step #4 – Create a Reading Screen

Let’s start with your clairvoyance ability. The Reading Screen is your viewing reception. It is where you will receive images and pictures through which spirit may communicate. Using your mind’s eye, imagine a large movie screen before you. Give it a grounding cord and secure it to the earth’s center. Now, ask your question. Or, ask for a message from spirit. Don’t demand, just ask. Let the answer come. Did you get black? Great! Black is a color. The first image that comes will be your answer, be it a symbol or literal.



Step #5 – Use Your Clair Abilities

Connecting with the Spirit World requires using all of your senses: taste, touch, smell, hearing, and seeing. We have what is known as “Clair” abilities. This involves taking our physical senses to a higher spiritual level. I call this ‘heightened sensing’. We have 7 Clair abilities:

  • Clairvoyance – Clear seeing
  • Claircognizance – Clear knowing
  • Clairauditory – Clear hearing
  • Clairgustance – Clear tasting
  • Clairolfactory – Clear smelling
  • Clairsentience – Clear feeling
  • Clairkinesthesia – Clear touching

I highly encourage seeking out specific meditations to assist you in opening these abilities.  This will be the doorway through which your connection with spirit becomes stronger.


A tip to open your clairvoyance ability:

1. Put your finger between your eyes on the bridge of your nose, then push up slightly toward the center of your forehead.

2. Take a deep breath.

3. Imagine an eye-opening wide here. This is where your third eye is located. See the details of this eye. Is it round or almond-shaped? Are the lashes long or short? Is there color?

4. Be mindful of this wide-open eye throughout your day.

5. Each morning and night, say out loud, “I intend to keep my third eye open.”

6. Honor the information that comes.

Your clairvoyant ability is present. It is just a matter of opening the door to it. Opening our Clair abilities is meant to be fun. Enjoy the process!

See Also


Some Final Things to Remember

As your connection to spirit grows, your dreams will be one of the best ways to receive messages. Before you go to bed at night, simply ask Spirit to come. Then, expect and intend their arrival, albeit on their time. Pay attention to the last dream before you wake and notice any colors, symbols, words and people that present. You will know it is your loved one present because the dream is very colorful and vivid.

Spirit Circles are essential! You are the vehicle -the mechanism that is making this be. It is invaluable to spend time in development with others of like-mind, learning and growing. Find qualified teachers. Learn about how energy works. Understand chakras and auras. This all becomes your foundation.

Good luck, and have fun with this! Opening this door will change you in many wonderful ways!


You will also enjoy 10 Tips to Deflect a Psychic Attack.



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About the Author

Michelle Beltran is an intuitive and a psychic. She has formal training in psychic reading through Chico Psychic Institute and Reno Psychic Institute. She completed an intense mediumship school under Michele Fletcher and is a Mystic Shift Mediumship Program graduate. Michelle is working on her first book that will be filled with psychic and mediumship tips, tools and learning, enriching stories of self-discovery, and techniques to assist you in aligning with your own higher knowing. Visit Michelle to learn more  or on Facebook:

Originally published Mar 1, 2013


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View Comments (3)
  • #2 is very important, as you verify the information, it gets easier.
    Also, the way it was explained to me, was as you get information in, the
    feeling that should accompany it is unemotional/non-attached (similar
    to the feeling you would have if you saw a tennis shoe of mine, in your
    living room). Another strong suggestion I was given when doing a
    reading for someone is not to do the 3-D’s, Death, Divorce or Disease.
    All of the recommendations are sound, just felt I should give what I
    got. Namaste’

  • Its amazing what happens when you forget you can do these things and suddenly you reopen that door!

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