Observe-Allow-Let Go
By Shelly Wilson
A very clear message came through to me recently from my guides. The message was “Observe. Allow. Let go.” I interpreted this message to simply mean:
Observe what is going on around you understanding that each individual is having their own human life experience. Pay attention to your reaction to the experiences you are having as well as the reactions of others to their own experiences.
Allow each individual to have their experience. Honor them where they are at on their journey including their beliefs. Don’t feel the need to become involved in their experience unless it directly involves you.
Let go of any attachment to the outcome. Let go of the need to control others. Let go of the need to appease others to simply make them happy.
There is a time and place to express your thoughts and attitudes in regards to a particular subject matter especially when you haven’t been asked for them. Sometimes it is best to observe, allow and let go rather than becoming consumed with the energy that may arise. Trust me – there are times when I am “itching” to say something. Then, I ask myself, “If I speak, how will it affect me? If I remain silent, how will it affect me?” Ultimately, it’s important to take into account our physical health and mental/emotional well-being when making this choice. For myself personally, one comment can shift my energy completely if I allow it to.
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About Shelly ~
Intuitive Medium, Reiki Master and Spiritual Teacher Shelly Wilson would love to assist you on your spiritual journey. With respect, truth, integrity and love, Shelly honors your free will and recognizes that you are co-creating your reality with the Universe. She offers private readings, intuitive coaching, Reiki sessions, and teaches workshops. Shelly has two courses available through the DailyOM. http://shellyrwilson.com

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