OH NO! Shopping While Mercury is Retrograde in Pisces?
By Cindy Morris
A dear friend called the other morning to tell me her washing machine was on the fritz and would it be wise to purchase another one during Mercury’s retrograde in Pisces? Indeed sometimes large appliances need to be purchased during a Mercury retrograde period. I say buy what you need to buy, just keep the receipt.
Mercury retrograde is more of a contract issue, meaning that if you need to sign a contract, triple check everything. Even when purchasing your new appliance check out the contract. Maybe your energy supplier will give you a rebate if you purchase an energy aver or maybe you buy it on credit and there is no interest for a year. Whatever – check the contract.
Sometimes things get completed in the most magical way during Mercury retrograde in Pisces. A precariously hanging side mirror that has been hanging off the driver side of my car for weeks now (it’s been too cold to use the plastic glue) was miraculously fixed by my wizard car repair guys. I’m all for tackling the seemingly untackle-able during Mercury retrograde because I am a firm believer in magical occurrences – and they always seem to occur that way for me! When Mercury is retrograde – magic is afoot!
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Cindy Morris, msw, is a practicing astrologer and writer for over 30 years. She is the author of Priestess Entrepreneur: Success is an Inside Job , co-author of Reclaim Your Intuition, The LOVE Books, and numerous short memoir stories. Cindy has a Masters in Social Work, has run a successful flower shop, was raised in the Bronx and now lives in Boulder, CO where she collaborates with intuitive healer and crystologist, John Corsa in their Ignite Your Soul Potential transformational work.
Learn more about Cindy by visiting: http://IgniteYourSoulPotential.com

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