Seeing your Face Anew, Avatar Style
Seeing your Face Anew, Avatar Style
By Michelle Butt
“I SEE you.” Do you remember this line from the movie Avatar a few years back?
There is a part in the movie when Sigourney Weaver is teaching the hero the language of the natives as he is preparing to enter their world in Avatar state. She explains to him that the phrase “I SEE you,” said in a particular way means more than just my eyes are looking at you, but rather, “I SEE” who you are inside. My eyes are looking at your soul and I understand who you are.
This is what face reading is. It’s the honor of looking at faces and “seeing” the person inside. We get to share with you the experiences you have had in your life that have shaped your personality. For instance, noses are not too big or too small for us, but rather representations of personal power and desire for beauty in everything we do.
Face readers get to know your innate personality and how you uniquely look at the world, how you uniquely move through the world and how you uniquely are challenged by the world.
Every face is a gift of a beautiful tapestry of human experience. The incredible thing to all of us who read faces is that so few people really know the wonder that is there looking back at them in the mirror, the reflection of a tremendous life and spirit that once understood, knows no bounds.
It is easy to look in the mirror and notice the wrinkles and the flaws, how big our cheeks are or the dark circles under our eyes. Yet when we can look in the mirror or into the face of another and hear the words “I SEE you,” life opens up the possibility to be so much more than we ever imagined.
As we move from winter to spring with new growth and birth occurring all around us, my wish for you is that you look in the mirror and you SEE you, or you find someone who does SEE you, because being SEEN is being KNOWN for all that you are.
I can guarantee you that if ever we meet, as the gift of SIGHT was given to me with face reading, I will pay it forward and SEE you. And it would be my honor.
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About the Author
Michelle Butt is a Face Reading Practitioner, and Certified Master Coach. She is also a contributing author to the book, Ready, Aim, Captivate! featuring Deepak Chopra: Her goal in life is to assist others in truly understanding who they are, what they are saying to the world, at all times, by all means, and to guide them to achieving the joyful, fulfilling, successful lives that they desire.

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