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Spring Cleaning For the Soul

Spring Cleaning For the Soul

Spring is the time of rebirth. It is also a fantastic opportunity to find new ways to recharge our energy sources and revitalize our hearts and minds. We can break free and sweep away all that no longer serves our purpose here. Sometimes that means exploring just what it is we need to purge. You might even discover that the only thing you really need to keep at all in this world is what you’ve learned and where you’d like to go next. In these ascending times, anything is possible! Everything that is healed, that is purged and cleansed, raises your own personal vibrational energy and lifts you into a higher knowing of purpose.

Always remember to forgive yourself for what you didn’t understand before. Be kinder to the person you have been evolving into. Celebrate the insights and the incredible things still to be uncovered. Life here can be incredibly hard on everyone at one time or another. Just because someone we know may seem to have it all, tomorrow they could be asking for our help. We should always try to be there when we can. Certain memories can bring on guilt from past mistakes. We have to let them go and remember the lesson if we want to move forward into loving the life we are living, keeping motivated to give that love out to others.

Get out in the fresh air. Walk or sit outside by the grass and trees to meditate with the questions you have for your spiritual guides. They hear every word and have a lot to say plus show you when you’re able to listen. Even when you’re not as tuned in and working out a strong human emotion, they are with you holding out a big dose of courage to keep moving forward with your plans and dreams. When you’re not quite sure what those are, the answers come as the heart opens to receive and trust in the guidance you are receiving. We do our best growing when we step outside the safe zone, trying something innovative and exciting even if it scares us a little.

When fearful thoughts and anxiety over the future come into play, it can be truly life altering to do a few things to change your perspective. Simplify your surroundings. Get rid of things you no longer use or need. Someone might need a treasure you no longer need. Recycle and evolve your thoughts. It can help to define what you want your life to be about. Empower another person who needs and could truly benefit from your knowledge. There is always someone out there who has gone through the same things in life. Adopting a pet who needs rescue calms the soul and can save your life as well. Laugh at yourself more. Dance, even if you’re all alone, more. Think about all the familiar human things the experts say will set your creative spirit free. It really is true. Put your mind and body to work while you ponder the deeper meaning of your purpose. Your intuitive gifts and ability to solve the simple and complex challenges will continue to grow stronger and evolve. The challenges you encounter will be solved much quicker and filed in the past.

Living life in the present every day is also a great way to remind ourselves how many things we have to be thankful for. In the timelessness of the Spiritual Consciousness the past is healed and the future is manifested so we always have to remember that now is what makes life worth living. Now matters. Every action that we take, every thought and feeling magnify our intentions as they open up the new spaces and places that make a difference. Our inaction can greatly alter the outcome of manifesting our goals.

We are all learning to let go of negative habits and emotional amnesia that make us feel disconnected to our spiritual selves. It is a personal journey for each and every one of us. No one can feel quite what we do, or know what we know. Ultimately, when we sweep out the negativity, we become more aware of how we really are responsible to heal ourselves through our spiritually conscious choices. Everything we need to do it given to us to discover. Every time a healing occurs, new energy and light will come streaming in. The weight is off the soul immediately. There is no blame. Trust that everything really is forgiven and creating the future you want will manifest with the new spaces that open up. It truly is miraculous! Maybe we all need a Spring cleaning for the soul more often than once a year.

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Judi Lynch is a Psychic Medium, Spiritual Adviser, Healing Energy Channel, Author and Teacher. She is the co-founder of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) 3 non-profit charity dedicated to Healing. Her book “Friends with Lights, A True Story” is available on Amazon and she is also a Featured Columnist for OM Times Magazine. To read more and contact for a reading/healing session or to schedule a private workshop:

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