The Benefits of Peanuts and Pomegranates
• Managing your blood sugar when trying to eat right is HUGE! Peanuts are known to help stabilize your blood sugar with their low glycemic index. They are digested more slowly, releasing sugar gradually into the bloodstream. This helps you to avoid going nuts and mistakenly eat a piece of cake or a handful of cookies to satisfy your craving for sugar.
• Also, I love that they provide long-lasting energy bursts peanuts provide. You can pound out more workouts in the gym, toning up that sexy figure for the summer.
Here’s another one, Potent Punching Pomegranates
First, organic pomegranates are full of antioxidants. These are vitamins and enzymes known for keeping low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or “bad” cholesterol from oxidizing and causing atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries. Organic pomegranate seeds act a lot like aspirin, keeping blood platelets from sticking together and forming dangerous blood clots.
Healing Power:
All parts of the pomegranate: seeds, juice, and peel offer polyphenol protection. Polyphenols are plant antioxidants (natural chemical nutrients) that can help protect us from developing many different kinds of diseases. Ellagic acid (the main polyphenol found in pomegranates) helps control several types of cancer.
A healthy trans-fat called linoleic acid, is closely related to the naturally occurring punicic acid, which is in high concentration in pomegranates. This acid is powerful. Science now states that daily drinking 6 to 8 ounces of pomegranate juice seems to prevent or inhibit cancer growth in prostate, breast, and reduces inflammatory enzymes in colon cancer.
Healthy Heart:
It’s amazing antioxidant power has also been studied in its relative importance to cardiovascular health.
Consuming the seeds, for at least 3 months, seems to halt the hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis). Type 2 diabetics have more problems with the development of this disease, than those without Type 2 diabetes. The juice from the seeds appears to halt atherosclerosis by lowering high blood cholesterol levels.
Research also shows that eating organic pomegranate seeds and drinking pomegranate juice can increase oxygen levels to the heart, which is great for heart attack survivors, those suffering from arthrosclerosis and COPD.
They are a good source of vitamin B-6 and vitamin C. Vitamin C is well known for its healthy promotion of blood vessel strength. Low vitamin B-6 levels have been linked to higher homocysteine levels in heart attack and stroke victims.
Dr. Braxton A. Cosby, licensed physical therapist with his Clinical Doctorate from the University of Miami, has over 14 years of professional experience as a presenter, program facilitator, Certified Clinical Instructor, Sports Nutritionist, and Personal Trainer. Braxton works with patients in Atlanta, Georgia, and runs Boot Camps in the metro area to help clients obtain their fitness goals. A past co-host with Jamie Dukes, on Ask The Fat Doctors, Braxton now broadcasts his own podcast, Fat Free: Ask The Fat Doc.