The Intuitive Switch: From Fear to Faith
Coming Into Your Authentic Power
By Tonya Melendez
As children we are in the flow of life; nature, animals and adults around us. We are magnets for all the stimuli we experience from birth until the age we are taught separateness and judgments. Each of us has our stories or memories of when the light within us was dimmed.
As adults, we are walking around as wounded children replaying our suffering, shadows and sadness. The small still voice within us that we once heard clearly got shut off. Until we get to the point in our lives that something has to change inside of me for my outside experiences to be different. So now you are ready to begin your seeking journey of finding yourself; wanting to know more about life, who you are, healing the past and creating a joyous, peaceful and successful life.
The Intuitive Switch: From Fear to Faith: Coming Into Your Authentic Power will help illustrate how you can begin to flow with the current of life and manifest your dreams!
Our intuition is our inner wisdom, our life force, our essential spark, our Spirit. Our Spirit is with us from the first breath until our last breath, in this lifetime it is the essence of who we really are and as children it shines brightly. Over the years as get older, gaining experiences of life, our flow is sometimes interrupted, slowed, quickened or completely shut off depending on the lessons we need to learn this lifetime. Yet our intuition continues to give us hope, guiding us as we sometimes stumble. We understand and want to believe in something bigger than ourselves; intuition is that button inside us that never gets turned off and one day after we have cried, tried, prayed and died (the piece of us that was holding us down) then that whisper of your Spirit tells you to listen. This is when the switch occurs, you are to live a better version of life by coming into our authentic power.
A Time to Listen
Intuition is defined as pure, untaught, innate, knowledge, inspiration, perception or gut felling; our connection to our Higher Self. Many people, of every culture, throughout history have had a highly developed “sixth sense”, which is often misjudged because it has been assumed as a negative energy yet within each of us is this inspiration, this feeling something is guiding me. Children are filled with this energy and so are animals both are taught experiences that switch that perception from a radiant sparkle to a dim flicker.
After you have tried and struggled and gotten back up to realize you are ready to change directions is when you stop and listen to your intuition, like reading this, something brought you here to read this.
We begin here with a few questions:
What are you hearing? Yesterday’s lies, Today’s truths or tomorrow’s worries?
Take time to ask yourself without judgment, doubt or fear. Reflect on your body sensations, memories, or recollections each question brings up. What you are experiencing with these questions is where you are experiencing pain. Recognizing your awareness is the first step.
There are NO compromises in creating your dreams. Recognizing your power allows you to grow, live fully, expressing your smile, your passion and purpose. By Asking for What You Want, Accepting What Is, Allowing Love to Bloom and Claiming Grace & Gratitude you essentially grow from fear to faith and come into your authentic self and POWER!
“Postponed happiness maybe be lost happiness” -Ken Keyes, Jr.
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For more information on overcoming your fears and tapping into your intuition, watch for Tonya Melendez’s upcoming book.

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