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Evolving Our Souls With Celestial Wisdom

Evolving Our Souls With Celestial Wisdom


By Byron Belitsos

Byron_BelitsosByron Belitsos is a widely published author, journalist, editor, and is the founder of Origin Press (—a multiple award-winning book publishing company. He was an inaugural member of Ken Wilber’s Integral Institute, and was a pioneer in the integral movement. Belitsos coauthored and edited The Center Within (1998), The Secret Revelation (2002), One World Democracy (2005), and The Adventure of Being Human (2012)—all related to the Urantia Revelation. He is also the coauthor of A Return to Healing (2009), a Nautilus Gold Prize winner. Byron has been a student of The Urantia Book for 37 years, and has written, spoken, and given workshops worldwide on its teachings. After receiving a B.A. (Honors) in intellectual history from the University of Chicago, he pursued graduate work in history, religious studies, and theology at the University of California (Santa Cruz), the California Institute of Integral Studies, and Graduate Theological Union at UC Berkeley.

Belitsos is an expert on The Urantia Book, having published six pioneering books about it, including THE URANTIA BOOK: A REVELATION OF DIVINE LOVE.

“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players; each has their exists and entrances.”
~William Shakespeare, As You Like It

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Have you ever felt like you’re on a stage, and that your “performance” is being monitored by an unseen audience? By this I don’t mean some paranoid scenario. I mean that occasional feeling most of us have of being supported by benevolent energies or observed by invisible angelic beings as you go about your daily activities. This is one way to understand The Urantia Book: as a modern revelation about the affectionate personalities who are sitting just “off stage,” wisely ministering to each of us. The Urantia Revelation invites you to consider that, on a moment-by-moment basis, each of us is receiving stage direction sufficient for perfecting “our act” in each scene in our lives. If this scenario makes sense to you, the question may then become: Will we choose to listen to these cues? How will our lives change if we accept such divine leadings? These, of course, are crucial issues our spiritual lives. But wouldn’t it also help to know more about these behind-the-scenes helpers and forces? And wouldn’t it be even better to also have open dialogues with them?

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