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Evolving Our Souls With Celestial Wisdom

Evolving Our Souls With Celestial Wisdom


Ultimately, the philosophic goal of these new teachings, as I understand them, is to present an integral vision for a new form of cosmic spirituality. The philosophical method of The UB points out that, for example, just as reason and experiment are the method of science, and logic is the technique of philosophy; experiential faith is the indispensable method of religion. Science discloses factual material realities through experiments that are validated by virtue of being reproducible by scientific peers. But faith discloses true spirit realities to consciousness, the experience of which are validated for others by our behavior, as it manifests in “the fruits of the spirit.” And, like a scientific experiment, these spirit realities can be replicated in each of our lives, and peer-reviewed by those who know us!



The Urantia Book’s teachings are very broad in scope, and they are framed within a striking evolutionary and integral cosmology. Some of the principal ideas in the book’s 2,097 pages of teachings include the following:

• That which is divine is personal: God is not simply the creative source of the energies and beings of the cosmos, but is also a self-aware divine person that loves and can be loved

• Love and universal brotherhood are primal: God is love, and God loves each of us just as a father or mother would; all humans on all inhabited planets are members of one universal family of God

• A prime cosmic directive rules the universe: an evolutionary imperative pervades the unfolding realms of space-time and directs its growth toward an ultimate goal

See Also

• Each human personality is unique: there is no one quite like us in all eternity; personality is a divine and unfathomable gift and as such all persons are of infinite value

• An eternal life awaits us: once our personality and soul reassemble after death, we begin an infinite life of endless growth; as noted earlier, reincarnation only happens in exceptional cases.

• The divine indwells us: each of us has been gifted with a pure spark of God within our minds that guides us and co-creates our immortal soul based on our value choices

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