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Evolving Our Souls With Celestial Wisdom

Evolving Our Souls With Celestial Wisdom


• Earth’s history has been tumultuous: our planet (whose name is “Urantia”) was scarred by a far-distant angelic rebellion, but this wounding is now being healed by a co-creative divine intervention that especially began with the life of Jesus and is now reaching its culmination

• Our soul is evolving: our personality is changeless, but its endowment of free will permits us to grow our immortal soul by our decisions in each moment

Our soul growth continues throughout our eternal life and ends in our perfection in the far-distant future (in the central universe, as I indicated early one)—and this reality, this phenomenon of the collective evolution of trillions of evolving humans who are of origin on planets like ours—is the secret of what can be called the evolution of deity. Our divine Father and Mother are eternal, loving, and infinite beings, but evolution is their program of perfection in the time-space universes.


The Urantia Book is certainly of unusual origin. The text is believed to have been authored by celestial personalities during a complex twenty-year communication process that was completed in the early 1940s. Ongoing historical research, as well as large quantities of evidence provided in recent federal copyright lawsuits, have revealed much about the revelatory process.

Generally, it is believed that most of the “live” communications consisted of direct interactions between alleged superhuman revelators and a “contact commission” of at least six people. These unique transactions occurred in the city of Chicago in the large home of a distinguished physician, psychiatrist, and author, Dr. William S. Sadler, and his wife Dr. Lena Sadler, also a practicing physician. Among this small group, a single individual whose identity has never been revealed acted as the key human contact.

See Also

In addition, a group of as many as 400 people known as the Forum, who met once a week in secret during these years in Chicago, were indirectly involved in the communication process.

Preliminary contacts existed as far back as 1906, but the formal “papers” (of which there are 196 total) began to appear in succession on February 11, 1924. Each paper came into existence either directly via the contact person or appeared miraculously, as it were, in his immediate vicinity. The historical record shows that papers were either materialized as hand-written text (and at other times dematerialized once edited), or were very quickly hand-written overnight through a mysterious process and left on a desk near the contact personality. Dr. Sadler explained in an account first published in 1929 that this process had no discernable link to the contact personality’s mind, conscious awareness, or handwriting style; he, along with the contact commission and the members of the Forum, came to believe that the writing was actually carried out by unseen celestial beings and was not channeled through the human mind of the contact person as, for example, occurred in the famed transmissions of Edgar Cayce. (However, informal communications between the “revelators”—i.e., the celestial authors—and the human contact group took place via a technique similar to that of Cayce and his interlocutors. This process is also comparable to the transmissions that comprise The Adventure of Being Human discussed elsewhere in this article.)

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