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Keys to Living a Spiritual Life

Keys to Living a Spiritual Life

By Michelle Brunetti

The term ‘Spirituality’ is an abstract concept that leaves many scratching their heads. We think we know what it is-but do we really? Wikipedia defines spirituality as something that is often experienced as a source of inspiration in life and it can encompass belief in “immaterial realities or experiences of the immanent or transcendent nature of the world.” His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, relates spirituality to those qualities of the human spirit such as; love, compassion, patience, forgiveness, an intrinsic sense of responsibility and harmony. He believes spirituality can be cultivated in each of us and unlike religiosity-spirituality is a tenet we cannot live without. While Einstein may have been revered as one of the greatest scientists in history, his thoughts about spirituality were equally brilliant. He somehow knew that our ‘true spirituality’ and our connection to ‘god’, was not found in our separateness as human beings, but rather in our connection to nature. This fundamental ‘truth’ that we are all really structures of the universe, and therefore inner-connected to other matter around us, is a powerful definition of spirituality. We are all ‘searching’ for something in this life. Some people seem to have a clearer idea of what it is then others.

Here are 3 powerful steps I have discovered in my quest for spirituality:

1. In order to become who we want to be-first we must embrace who we are at this very moment- the key is self-acceptance. His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, says that in order to embrace a true understanding of compassion, we must first embrace our suffering. If we are to become spiritual beings, then we must first embrace our ‘humanness.’ In other words, we accept our imperfections on a physical level and know that once we are no longer a physical being, our spiritual being will continue to exist and progress in its own divine journey. We accept the fundamental principal that we are spiritual beings–having a human experience.

2. Be present– Far too many individuals either ruminate about the past or project into the future-mindful presence is a thoughtful process that takes time and commitment to obtain. The time spent learning to be present in the moment is well worth the reward. Learning to be in the moment, means re-training our thoughts, disciplining our minds, and anchoring ourselves in the here-and-now. It means, learning to become aware of each breathing moment and how it affects us.

3. The act of self-compassion becomes the art of self-love. In other words, we must learn to find a deep and profound love for our inner-being. This first begins with surrendering the attachments of the material world we are conditioned to believe in, in lieu of an attachment to our inner-self. It is what I coin “internal life.” It doesn’t mean being narcissistic, but rather believing that we are enough. Sometimes, it can be as simple as giving ourselves a break and not having to have all the answers— it is learning to live in the “in between.” When we learn to live within—we will never live without.

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Each human being’s spiritual journey is as unique as their foot print. We cannot judge other’s paths against our own. While at times, it is far too easy to compare ourselves and our evolution with those around us—know this my friends—when it is time for your spirit to awaken, it will. We all have lessons to learn here on this dimension. Trust your core being and know if YOU chose these lessons, then you also chose the time for these lessons to be revealed. Be patient and learn to master the art of living in the moment. When we are living in the moment, then we are truly living a spiritual life.

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