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Stop Treating Symptoms by Healing the Hidden Cause

Stop Treating Symptoms by Healing the Hidden Cause


By Sandy C. Newbigging

Author of Heal the Hidden Cause: Using the 5-Step Mind Detox Method

When you fully appreciate the immense and immediate impact that your mind is always having within your body and life, it becomes clear that physical wellness and emotional well-being are intimately connected. Consequently, physical health complaints don’t necessarily have purely physical causes and unhealthy beliefs and emotional unease can be the common hidden causes to many chronic physical conditions and persistent life problems.

Move beyond treating symptoms

Conventional approaches to healing physical conditions, troubling emotions and destructive behaviors can fail to deliver lasting benefits because they often only treat the surface-level symptoms rather than healing the deeper underlying mental and emotional causes.

Ignoring the underlying causes is a bit like attempting to flatten a turbulent river without first removing the jagged rocks sitting below the surface; you can try all you like, but without removing the rocks it’s going to make very little long-term difference!

Your mind isn’t against you

Your body is born to live and will do everything it can to stay alive. In fact, I’d suggest it already is doing so! What you may consider to be a physical problem is in fact your body’s best attempt at adapting in order to survive the physical, mental and emotional conditions that it has been subjected to in daily life.

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Similarly, whether you believe it yet or not, your mind is also on your side too.  Although it can appear at times that you have an inner saboteur messing with your manifesting powers, the reality is your mind is always helping you to manifest a life perfectly in line with your current beliefs. Meaning that if you have limiting beliefs then you can end up creating a limited life.

Here’s the good news.  It is the natural tendency of the body to heal itself and the natural law of life to be abundant – so this is your invitation to heal any unhealthy beliefs that may not be currently bringing about the levels of health and wealth you want. 

The healing power of peace

Over the past few years, both myself and the Mind Detox Practitioners I’ve trained, have witnessed remarkable remissions from health conditions; including skin conditions clearing up, chronic pain vanishing, and digestion problems disappearing, to name but a few. Along with this, we’ve also witnessed the healing of many other emotional issues and life problems – all from helping people to heal their unhealthy beliefs by making peace with their past.

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