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30 Days of Self Healing – Day 16

30 Days of Self Healing – Day 16

All my hard work paid off, and I graduated high school with honors and a year of college. This experience is how I developed a lifelong love for learning. The lesson: Life can change in an instant, and you can choose to either resist it or embrace it. I encourage you to embrace it. Change can create new possibilities you might never have imagined for yourself and can redefine who you are by exploring the potential that lies within. Don’t limit what you can achieve by fearing the unknown. Take every challenge and see it as an opportunity to make the most out of each and every day of your life. Change is what helps you work toward improving the areas in your life you dislike the most. Remember, the process of change is the only way to fulfill your true self’s potential.

Every great philosophical mind throughout history has pointed out the importance of one undeniable metaphor—life is a journey. Some see this journey as a quest for knowledge, others as a road to self-discovery. I see it as a circle, where all our experiences affect the next, intertwining each aspect of our lives. This never-ending cycle of cause and effect creates the path that becomes our journey.

Let’s say that our journey begins the day we were born. As the days, weeks, months, and years of our lives pass by, most of us forget that this journey is a continuous process. So we spend our time thinking about the past, looking toward the future, trying to control life so that we end up where we think we want to be. True, the past and future are parts of our life’s journey, but we cannot control them. What we forget is our ability to shape our journey and create the life we want by focusing on one simple thing—this moment right now!

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