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30 Days of Self Healing – Day 16

30 Days of Self Healing – Day 16

“Now” is a very special time in your life. You can’t change your past, but you can use it as a learning experience to help you improve your present and influence your future, which are all parts of your life journey. Every experience from your past gives you a lesson that serves as preparation for what you can become in the future.

At any given moment, you have the ability to transform, reshape, or reinvent your direction. What would you do with your life if you could have a new shot at it? Is there anything you would like to improve? How we choose to look at the present is the one thing we have control of. It is the one thing we can choose to change to our benefit. We have the power, and if we decide to improve ourselves in the present, to upgrade our belief, and strengthen our personal convictions, we’ve got a new, clean slate. In fact, we get a new clean slate every day.

Coming to the United States from a third world country where opportunities were not abundant has given me an insight most Americans will never be able to appreciate. We live in a country that offers us limitless potential and new opportunities that are available at any given moment. I hear people often say they want more out of life, even though they have all the resources they need to achieve their goals. The problem is that they take no actions and instead find themselves right where they’ve always been.

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