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A Daily Look Within – Day 16

A Daily Look Within – Day 16

Contemplation Piece: Further extrapolating the Sun Operation, we are asked to consider not only the cosmic spheres of what goes on in as above, so below, but how that relates to our own philosophy…how do we relate in that fashion to the Sun. In what ways are we like the sun, or in what ways might we operate as a creative force? In what ways are we like the sun…glowing, energetic, shining, brilliant to behold? In what ways are we nurturing or maternal? When might we be cool, passive, or subdued; lunar in nature? Do we see a correspondence or have a relationship with “Mother Nature” (a/k/a Earth)? Think of the food that comes from the earth: how much the sun is at work in that creation, which we eventually ingest and keeps us further energized. How much life is filled by the breath cycle in and out? What do we learn from Mother Earth by watching the natural ebb and flow of everything, big and small scale?

Can we see all that is contained in the way the Sun works? How it sends energy and gives it back? Do we utilize our own, contemplative energies [mindfully] in a way that fits into the overall scheme of things? This is how it is done…we seek truth we get ideas/become curious as we seek to understand what we do not know/what is hidden. If we realize our power comes to us from the greater power, we can figure the lesser/subtle ways and forms figure into the overall scheme. Think of how we know the food chain…how everything in the circle of life fits together intricately. We have a lot right here that evidences all of this. If we can be like Hermes and seek to know the totality of all aspects of our world’s philosophy…how everything fits together, we can see the importance or fullness of our Sun’s operation.

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