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Around the Wheel of Life – Day 1

Around the Wheel of Life – Day 1

You will begin this 30 day challenge by first taking an honest look at how your conditionings and prominent thoughts become your belief systems. You will also begin to understand that your existing belief systems have become your emotional starting gates. These two qualities play a huge factor in whether your life is balanced or not, and whether it can remain balanced. You will also see that these two factors may throw a certain aspect or area of your life out of balance, or keep it from being balanced. For example, I was taught that playtime came after EVERYTHING was completed. I was taught that playtime was a luxury, and only came after a hard day’s work. Therefore, when I began looking at my own wheel of life, the “Play” area was unbalanced.

Another example relating to this; in years gone by, my existing belief systems had become an emotional starting gate where I measured my self-worth by how much work I could get done. These two qualities were both based upon my conditionings, and they had a huge affect on balancing my life. Another example: I often see people that have been taught conflicting information about church, religion, and/or God when they were young and this will often affect their relationship or communion with God or a Higher Power later in life. Old belief systems become your emotional starting gate, and they will affect your life until you begin to investigate them, or begin to practice Awareness regarding them.  So as you begin the process of looking at your ‘Wheel of Life,’ I would urge you to begin by looking at those two things, your existing belief systems, and your emotional starting gates pertaining to that area of your life.

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