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Around the Wheel of Life – Day 1

Around the Wheel of Life – Day 1

It’s All a Balancing Act

As I work with clients I have found that unless their lives are extremely out of balance, they usually do not recognize how one area being off balance can throw off the whole balance of their lives. Also, when an existing belief system or emotional starting gate has become their norm, they do not realize the extent of how it affects the other areas of their lives. That being said, Awareness is the key. Being aware of a present situation is fundamental to embracing change. In many situations, you often have to see something in black and white to get a clear picture of it, and that is why I developed these exercises for this challenge.

There is one other thing that I want you to be aware of during this process. There are so many facets of your conditioned, thinking mind, and one aspect of your mind may see that your life is out of balance, and wants the change, and then another aspect may fight you to keep the status quo. There may be a push and pull that happens inside of your own mind. When that happens, just be aware that it is the mind doing that, and if you truly want to be the master of the mind, you will just have to remember that you are not the mind, and do not participate in the internal dialogue that is happening inside your own head. Just simply choose to do your best to live in balance even if that balance makes aspects of the mind uncomfortable.

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