Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 10
Awaken Your Clairabilities Day 10 by Michelle Beltran
Indigo Children
Today’s Challenge:
After reading through the below information, take some time to reflect. Were you an Indigo child? You might be learning this now for the first time. Is your child an Indigo? Does a friend or family member have an Indigo child? Let today’s information assist you in manifesting that desired relationship with the Indigo child in your life. Then, please share your knowledge and experiences with all of us in the discussion forum.
__________________ What is an Indigo Child?
On a very simple level, an Indigo child can be defined as one who expresses a new and unusual set of behavioral and psychological traits, not seen before.
Many children being born now have amazing natural intuitive abilities. Their bodies and minds seem to hold a unique new vibration. Though it’s just a beginning, I believe their abilities will come to be realized as normal as increasing numbers of human beings are born with a clearer connection to the spiritual realms.
As Doreen Virtue says in The Care and Feeding of Your Indigo Children, the children being born now are “more challenging, more intelligent, more confrontational, more intuitive, more spiritual, and in some cases even more violent” than those who came before them. As a result, parents and educators have a different job before them than in the past.
Common Traits of the Indigo:
- They express a sense of royalty and a deep understanding that it’s their deserving birthright to be here.
- They have strong desire to be spoken with not at.
- They prefer eye contact when communicating.
- There must be freedom of choice in everything – even in their own disciplining.
- It’s essential to explain things to them. “Because I said so” does not work for Indigos.
- Intolerant to uniformity, rules and rigid processes.
- They have challenges with authoritative style of processing and interacting.
- Highly intuitive and often creative.
- They seem anti-social unless in comfort zone with like-minded individuals.
- They are expectant of and nearly demand honesty.
- Highly vocal and expressive.
- Must be heard and not just listened to …there is a difference.
- Require absolute respect of autonomy, privacy and personal space.
- They loathe belittling.
- They are extremely, sensitive and compassionate and have a fear of death.
- Fantastic levels of self-worth and not shy about expressing this.
- They say wise things, beyond their age.
- They require emotionally stable elders and teachers.
Understanding Indigo Children
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