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Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 2

Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 2

As you go forward in your day notice sounds your hear that you had not noticed before. Write them down if you can. This exercise is telling your subconscious you are ready to heighten your awareness and begin using this ability.

Intention Statement

Before you go to bed at night say out loud while you also write in your journal, “I am open and available to receiving higher knowing. My clairaudient ability is growing stronger every day. I use my ability to assist myself and others.” Writing and stating your intention out loud sets certainty within your subconscious and will amplify the blossoming of the ability.

How Sounds May Come

See Also

You may feel as if you hear sounds inside your head or outside your head. In other words, you may receive an outer (physical) sound or an inner (nonphysical) sound. An outer physical sound may present much like a human voice. Once as I was getting into bed late one night, I heard my the voice of my sister call my name as clear as if she were standing right next to me. This is an example of a sound coming outside your head. Remember, these higher vibrational messages of hearing come from love and grace. Welcome them and ask for the meaning for them.  An inner nonphysical sound is more subtle and is like mind talk. It may sound like your own voice.

You may notice that as this gift grows, you become more sensitive to sound. As the ability developed for me, I often heard ear ringing and whooshing sounds. Also, for a time, it was necessary to sleep with earplugs because even slight sounds would wake me. Often, I even felt the sound vibrate through my body. All of these are normal as this ability flourishes for you.

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