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Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 20

Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 20

Why Kundalini?

The benefit of consistent Kundalini work is unique for each individual. There are a few things I have experienced with continued practice:

  • Energy blockage releasing brings relief of physical ailments. Inspires recovering and balancing of normal function for vital body organs.
  • Emotional stability.
  • Deep sense of being connected to the collective and global consciousness which serves to heighten your senses to the point oneness with All That Is.


Meditation and yoga serve to awaken this powerful Kundalini. In addition, nurturing and care of your physical body is also extremely important to connecting with and unraveling this kundalini awakening.

Kundalini Exercise

Meditation is one of the key practices that will enable you to achieve kundalini awakening. Focus on the energy of sincerity, sanctity, and inner calm and peace. Remember that kundalini can awaken in many physical body activities such as yoga. Even walking, swimming, dancing and any physical activity you feel drawn to can align Kundalini.

See Also

___________________ This exercise is designed to tune you to the chakra energy coursing through and connecting your body’s energetic system in a unified whole. You can do this exercise standing, sitting or lying down.

  • Find a comfortable location to sit quietly. Breathe deeply several times…allowing each breath to take you further into awareness and centeredness in the body.
  • Focus on your spine. This is the lower most point of the spine next to your tail bone. Be present with the energy here.  Imagine a divine bubble of light at the bottom of your spine. Give it a color, if you choose. Cobalt blue is a powerful healing and rejuvenating color. See this ball of glorious light coming alive with energy. Let it move, flow, expand and begin moving in a circular rhythmic motion.
  • When this sensation feels fully complete and you are present with it, allow the bubble of energy to open up and begin to flow upward. Let it coil gently with love and grace, just as a serpent might in an upward fashion. There is fire and life of immense proportions in this energy. Let it unleash up your spine. Notice any sensations now. Is there heat present? Is there vibration? Do you feel an urge to move or shake? You may even notice a squirmy feeling.
  • Allow the energy to take on its own brilliant power and force. See it move slowly and even sensually along your spine.
  • As this bubble of light comes six or seven inches up your spine, see it link with yet another bubble of divine light. See the two energies of light unite and blend fully with one another. Give attention to any sensations.
  • Let the collective energy now continue to rise the rest of the way up your spine in the same coiling and sensual fashion.
  • At another six or seven inches up, near your neck area, repeat the previous step of bringing in yet another bubble of divine light. See these two energies of light unite and blend fully with one another. Give attention to any sensations.
  • Breathe deeply now. Imagine your entire head filling with this deeply rousing wonderful light. Let this unite with the spinning energy at the base of the neck.
  • Let all these energies now comingle as one unit of amazing life force until your entire spine tingles with warmth and energy from the tail bone to the back of your head. Immerse in this energy for several minutes.
  • Take one deep belly breathe and on the strong exhale see the bubble of energy and light to become like an arrow. See the arrow travel back down your spine, from where it came and at the same time visualize it travel in the opposite direction toward the eternal space above to the cosmos. Feel the ever present, in the raw of the moment connection now to yourself and this light energy force.

When you are ready open your eyes and spend a few minutes journaling about this experience.

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