Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 7
Dreams are one of the best ways to connect with and receive messages from spirit. If you desire to connect with your loved one, simply ask them to come and visit you before you go to bed at night. Then, expect and intend that they will come. Trying too hard doesn’t work, so trust they have heard you and will come when they are ready. Pay attention to colors, symbols, words and people that present in your dreams. You will know it is your loved one present in your dream because the dream is very vivid.
Feeling Your Loved One
Often you may feel the presence of the loved one. Do you get a warm feeling when you have a thought of your loved one? Do you get the chills or feel a light touch on your shoulder to turn and find no one there? I like to refer to these touches from spirit as “butterfly” kisses. You can find assurance in knowing that this offering of touch is one of their ways of saying hello.
This is one of the most powerful ways spirit can communicate with us. Do you smell your great aunt’s cologne or your grandfather’s pipe? Do you smell these powerful scents at the most unlikely times or places? There is a reason for this. Your loved one is trying to get your attention. This is particularly the case when the smell presents at the seemingly oddest time. My friend and I were riding our bikes one day recently when she was so surprised to smell her father’s scent – on a bike trail in the wide open outdoors. Her father had passed only two years prior. Interestingly, my friend had just minutes before rolled through a stop sign thinking that would be okay, instead of stopping fully. Well, Dad showed up moments later to tell her it was not okay!
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