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Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 7

Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 7

Thinking of Them

Recall a time when out of the blue you began thinking of your loved one at a particular moment in your day. Were you ever curious why that thought popped into your head so randomly? It’s quite likely this loved one is also thinking of you at that very moment and coming to let you know they are nearby and helping you with your daily life.  Our loved ones on the Other Side know exactly what they are doing and they have the ability to be at the right place at the right time.

Coincidence & Synchronistic Events

Often we are presented with what we might call uniquely synchronistic events. Be aware or you’ll miss the message. Coincidence is nonexistent. There is simply no such thing. Have you ever been thinking of your loved one and reminded of the very special favorite song you two shared, then later that day you heard it on the radio?  Indeed, this was your loved one. These visits are special gifts through and through.

See Also

Mother Nature

What flower, insect or animal has surprisingly presented that was not indigenous of the area you are in? Was it your favorite bird, flower, rainbow, deer that came at this most unusual time? Understand that your loved one is not becoming that bird or flower but do know your loved ones are very aware of your favorite animals and it is at these moments that they are trying to say hello! Perhaps you have not experienced this and you want to. You can send a message to your loved one to tell them you are ready for any sign they want to show you that they are near. The trick is to ask and not demand a sign. Just let them know you are ready to receive the message when they are ready to deliver it.

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