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Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 8

Awaking Your Clair-Abilities – Day 8

Awaken Your Clairabilities Day 8 by Michelle Beltran

3 Ways to Find Your Soul Mate

Today’s Challenge:

After reading through the below information, try out each exercise, and begin manifesting your desired soul mate relationship to you. Then, share your experiences with all of us in the discussion forum.

You may enjoy the audio version of today’s material here:

There is a pervasive misconception that we have only one soul mate.

In reality, we will have many soul mates in our lifetime and throughout our journey. Some soul mate connections only occur briefly, while others are in place for most or all of our lives. Some are in-depth and rich, while others are seemingly simple or meaningless.

They all matter and have value.

There is never an encounter we are not meant to have – be it short, long or in-depth. We made an agreement before we arrived on Earth to live out our journey together and to shape our own soul growth.

See Also

Types of Soul Mates


1. Twin Flame – the other part or half of your soul

In most cases, your twin flame is not actually living and they do not experience human life at the same time as you. Rather, they are on the “other side” and are guiding and caring for you from there.

In some cases, this soul mate may indeed incarnate with you. When this happens, you will know this soul mate because the chemistry you share is highly charged. If you are apart from this person, there is very deep longing for them.

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