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Exploring Your Extraordinary Life – Day 21

Exploring Your Extraordinary Life – Day 21

Exploring Your Extraordinary Life Day 21

Your spiritual life…and define it any way that is meaningful to you.  Spiritual to me is connecting to your Higher Self, living your purpose.  But feel free to alter the definition to fit your own beliefs.  If your spiritual life is tied to your religion, are you expressing your religion in a way that is meaningful for you?

Workbook: What do you really, really, really, really want for your spiritual life?  Are you doing it now?  If not, what needs to change? Be as specific as you can.

BIO:  Experienced Yoga Educator, Author, and inspiring Life Coach, Laura Erdman-Luntz has over 20 years experience inspiring people to live their Extraordinary Lives.  She uniquely blends her Life Coaching knowledge and vast experience with Yoga to create programs, classes and workshops that truly do bring mind and body together for positive change, inspiring people to live their most authentic life.  She has published three books, numerous e-books, & developed several e-courses in which she incorporates New Thought ideas on positive living, manifesting and changing subconscious beliefs.



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