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Feng Shui from the Inside, Out – Day 15

Feng Shui from the Inside, Out – Day 15

Sometimes, the children of very wealthy families can experience a backlash around money if the family members are mean or worse, associating money with bad behavior and avoiding it at all cost, even if to their own detriment. The results can be very similar to those whose parents struggled.

These misguided scenarios are all fixable. Sleep Magic is one easy way to go, you just need to have patience with the process. Because just as mother = support, money = support and support = survival. Survival is The Primal Urge. If your body has unconsciously linked any of these issues in its life with its very survival yielding serious challenges in its – and your – relationship to money then you must proceed with care and caution, allowing your body to let go of all its old programming at its own speed.

The following assignment is designed for someone who suspects that his or her early childhood might have created a current less-than-desirable financial atmosphere. Because this issue is one that likely runs deep and because you are dealing with the way that your body – a very long time ago – figured out how best to stay alive in the world, you have to be especially cautious about not badgering it by repeating the assignment too frequently, so pay close attention the very first time you do it, to the way you feel either in any dreams that arise or when you wake in the morning.

See Also
Darity Wesley

If you have any negative-feeling responses, wait at least ten days before attempting the assignment again and when you do, be sure to add to the wording that you know that your body knows that the last time you did it, it didn’t feel so good. Let it know that you will be patient with it, that you will give it all the time it needs.

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