Feng Shui from the Inside, Out – Day 19
You can fill the empty space it’s leaving creates by expanding those aspects of us that are right and true and appropriate to who we came to earth to be.
Thank you for helping me to feel more truly all that I am.
On Being the Woman That You Are
As I am reading this, I allow myself to feel gratitude to you, my body, for all that you have done for me throughout the course of this day.
I notice how you are feeling and I give you permission to relax as we are reading this allowing the words to sink deeply into the cellular consciousness of our body.
Now I picture myself asleep in bed tonight, knowing and understanding that you, my beloved body, will take over and put these words into action for me as I am sleeping, that I need to do nothing more than finish reading this.
I know that we carry within our cells a kind of a map for how a woman is ‘supposed’ to be in the world, a map that is based on the women who had the most influence on my life before I was seven years old.. There is every chance that a fair amount of this information has nothing to do with the way that I have been designed to be a woman in the world. So, since you are well aware of the woman that I am, you have my permission tonight to let go – to the degree that you are comfortable – of any old programming that would have me behaving in the world like anyone other than who I truly am at my core.
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