Healing into Wholeness Using Chakras – Day 1
The prostate gland if enlarged indicates difficulty in feeling “worthy” and also in expressing inner conflicts.
Looking at the adrenal glands, the issues expressed may be related to balance. These glands are responsible for your “fight or flight” responses. Thus anxiety, stress, fear, or any buildup of tension may be rooted in this chakra. Do you feel you are able to cope under the pressure you are experiencing? Are you feeling more pressure and that your responsibilities are growing and fear you can’t manage it? Balance both inner and outer is key in managing this expression of a weak out of balance root chakra.
Grounding using essential oils- Cedarwood, patchouli and Myrrh
Caution about using essential oils: Essential oils should not be used on babies and children under 12 years old. During pregnancy their use is limited to only a few “safe” oils which an aroma therapist can recommend.
Kundalini energy- According to Shakta Tantric teachings the root chakra is the place where kundalini (latent cosmic energy) resides. This latent energy is activated through Hatha yoga practices. It rises through each of the chakra energy centers where it finally reunites with its opposite polarity the Paramashiva (God consciousness).
Yoga poses: virabhadrasana 1 (warrior), trikonasana (triangle), garudasana (eagle)
Bandhas: Also known as body locks help activate kundalini energy. It is recommended that these only be done with supervision from a competent teacher as they put strain on a number of physical organs. Positions are: jalandhara (neck lock), uddiyana (diaphragm lock), mula (root lock) and maha (great lock).
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