Healing into Wholeness Using Chakras – Day 18
The Communicator has taken responsibility for expressing how it feels, what it needs and what it wants from life. It has learned how this dissipates negative energy and allows more positive energy in. Speaking up and being heard allows direct connection to higher self. The communicator speaks from higher self and expresses itself with clarity and purpose. It has acknowledged that gossip, criticism, and cursing is negative expression that does not support its development. Negative expression can wound well-being. The communicator is mindful of the words it chooses, in both what it says and what it absorbs. It is sincere and always chooses the right action. The communicator stands by its word and is trust worthy, and has personal integrity. It overcomes all negativity by being direct, honest and positive. It understands the healing power of the spoken word. Speaking from both mind and heart it is able to communicate its feelings and thoughts in a way that empowers both itself and the listener. It understands its inner truth and recognizes the free will of others, thus it never tries to manipulate or force others. It instead clearly communicates with others and supports the well-being of all.
Lynn Zambrano R.N.
Lynn is an energy intuitive, healer and life coach. Her sessions are filled with compassion and designed to reveal your personalized, heart-centered guidance. Connect with her on Twitter and Facebook, or email Lynn at Lightminded1@yahoo.com. You can also visit her website at www.Light-Minded.com Lynn is co-host with TrustClaire on her BTR show on Mondays at 5:30 EST, and is also highlighted on Top American Healers .
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