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Meditations to Open and Cleanse Your Chakras – Day 30

Meditations to Open and Cleanse Your Chakras – Day 30

Meditations to Open and Cleanse Your Chakras Day 30

Thank you for taking this journey with me and I hope you feel upbeat and positive after this Chakra cleanse! It would be beneficial to continue to do the Complete Chakra Clearing meditation regularly to keep them open and shining and experience positivity in every area of your life.

I would also suggest going back to your Chakra Journal and attempt all the questions again to see how your responses have changed. If you still feel stuck with certain issues, keep doing the hypnotherapy meditations for the associated Chakras and as you release these deep seated patterns, life will become much lighter and joyful!

Try to accommodate, “Complete Chakra Healing meditation” in your schedule and it will help keep your Chakras open and clean and bring love, peace, joy and prosperity in your life.

See Also

Wishing you a completely healed, happy and fulfilling life


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