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Mind/Body Weight Loss – Day 16

Mind/Body Weight Loss – Day 16

Then there is the brain. In neuroscience, there is an expression, “Neurons that fire together, wire together”.  So as we have the same types of thoughts and reactions to things, for example the feeling of guilt after we ‘give in to a temptation’, we strengthen those neural networks. Over time if we continue to have that same reaction pattern, those pathways are given preferential treatment.  When we talk about running off of programs, we are talking about these strengthened neural networks from continued mental and behavior patterns, that automatically respond to the situation.  Then, they begin to do so without our conscious awareness. We then are unconsciously creating the reaction pattern over and over again.  At the same time, we are sending the same chemical communicators throughout the body and voilà, we get stuck with the same outcomes.

Shifting Your Thinking

So you may be thinking, what am I to do?  If your belief shapes you biology, change your beliefs.  We need to become more aware and more present.   When you challenge the way you operate and begin to shift your behavior, you will create new neural networks and new chemical communications.  Pay attention to your incessant self talk in your head.  Are you constantly sending negative messages to your body? Now what if you changed the dialogue in your head?  What if instead of being a glass is half empty person, you started seeing it as half full? If you started to see the world with an open heart and more gratitude, these shifts in your belief would change your biology. So now contemplate, if you always see yourself as the ‘fat person’ or not worthy of love, how are these thoughts creating your biology?

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