Mind/Body Weight Loss – Day 16
Your Challenge:
Affirmations can be a great way to shift our thinking about something. Create an affirmation for yourself. Make it powerful, positive and in the present tense. Feel free to use one of the examples below if it speaks to you. Write this affirmation on some sticky notes and put them places around your house e.g. on your fridge, on the bathroom mirror, bed side lamp. Say it to yourself as often as you can.
I’m on the road to fitness, health and happiness. I look and feel lighter today and my heart is filled with joy. Every day and in every way I am getting better and better. I’m enjoying how I’m feeling now. I love the feeling of making progress. I love the food that makes me thin. I am losing weight with ease and grace. I am in balance and filled with inner peace. Losing weight is effortless. I enjoy being happy and healthy. I’m making things easy for myself now. My body is getting stronger, slimmer, and healthier every day.
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