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The ABC’s of Actively Being Conscious – Day 13

The ABC’s of Actively Being Conscious – Day 13


If you do look into going vegan, you’ll find out that it’s not just about diet (i.e. not eating animals and/or animal products). It’s more about a “cruelty-free” way of life. It involves not using any type of animal product, especially when the animals were mistreated during processing. Many of us don’t think about it but this means not supporting industries that promote the fancy leather car seats (or furniture), leather shoes or jackets, animal hide accessories, down clothing or bedding, fur, boar bristles, wool products (including lanolin), and even silk. Some vegans even shy away from using honey unless it’s from a natural and organic source.


It’s startling how many of our household products, from toiletries to cleaning supplies, are tested on animals. Even some of the companies that claim not to test on animals sometimes contract out to a third party who does. Most of these testing practices are cruel. And of course, some of our medicines/drugs (such as Premarin) are derived from animals who are treated horrifically.


There are often times when animals, insects, etc. encroach on us and we have to draw the line somewhere. Again, there are many humane options available now, and thankfully most are available to all of us via the internet. It may take more time to research and use these methods, but a conscious, kind person will make the effort.

See Also


As you read these stories you will see that whenever I was properly humble and willing to let something besides a human be my instructor, these various four-legged, six-legged, and no-legged fellows shared priceless wisdom with me. They taught me that perfect understanding and perfect co-operation between the human and all other forms of life is unfailing whenever the human really does his required part.

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