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The ABC’s of Actively Being Conscious – Day 5

The ABC’s of Actively Being Conscious – Day 5

When you do this, let go of actively thinking and use all your senses. Look around and see what’s going on in your environment. Hear the birds singing? Feel the breeze on your arm? Notice any scents? Do you have any tastes in your mouth?

Do a quick scan from head to toe: What does your body feel like physically?  How are you feeling emotionally?

And now, without focusing on any particular thing, just allow your attention to wander. Is there any thought that pops into this empty space you are creating? Or anything you seem to just know? Note all of these things.

Taking these mini-breaks gives your creativity a little space to breathe. More often than not, this will in turn lead to great ideas, inspiration, and yes, even intuition about what you were doing that you wouldn’t have had otherwise.

As you do this periodically, you’ll benefit from these brief “re-groupings” and you’ll notice that a wonderful clarity remains with you go about your day.

There will be space between your thoughts for ideas and inspiration to enter your awareness.

Those ideas are coming from your essence, and opening to them keeps you on track to fulfill your deepest dreams.

See Also

Are you creative? (The answer is yes. ;-)) How do you experience your connection with your inspired ideas? What do you do to open that connection or keep it open?

See you tomorrow!

Patti Foy is a natural catalyst and has been facilitating positive and transformational change for clients world-wide since 1997. She gets down-to-earth, practical results by working at the level of energy and consciousness, and blogs about it at her site Lightspirited Being so you can, too!

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