There is No Progress to be Made by Celebrating Our Differences
by Dr. Eric Pearl and Frederick Ponzlov
Excerpted from: Solomon Speaks on Reconnecting Your Life
This penchant for human beings to discover how unalike they are, how distinct they are-it all has to do with ego. We have now managed to “create” how different we all are. And in that difference comes disharmony.
Where we need to put the energy now is in how similar we are, how much we all have that is similar that can be shared. How alike we all are, in terms of joy and pain and suffering and elation. And we need to share that information now.
There is no progress to be made by celebrating our differences. We’ve done that.
We are now in a state of critical mass. We are so isolated, with our various distinct individualities, that we can wreak havoc on someone else and hope or think that we gain from it. I’m talking about terrorism; I’m talking about hate crimes . . . anything of that ilk. That somehow if we are able to eliminate a reflection of ourselves, we are going to become more whole. It’s a very twisted viewpoint.
So that’s what we need to recognize, that we are all, in an umbilical sense, connected to the same force. Like reconnecting strings. Because we’ve lost that connection, that understanding that each individual’s greatness is relied upon by the other person’s greatness, by recognizing their greatness, not their inability. What this simply comes down to is to recognize that every creature has greatness inherent in them. And the suffering of one is the suffering of all mankind.
There is a way for everyone to be joyful and not to be dependent upon what I refer to as relative happiness. That happiness has to do with whether or not you have more or less than another individual in terms of material goods, attractiveness, or all those strata that have been created. It’s a very destructive energy, relative happiness. The absolute happiness that comes from within, that’s eternal. It isn’t at the expense of everyone else. When people allow themselves to re-experience that, they recognize the joy that’s in all.
In many people’s illusion, prosperity is what’s going to allow them to finance happiness somewhere. That’s what prosperity means to them. “Now I can be happy, because now I can buy the house that’s going to bring me happiness.” I know many lonely people with very big houses.
Let’s instead talk about experiencing joy. We were put on this planet to experience joy. To understand the beauty, the depth, the excitement of the life experience. To thoroughly embody it, to become joyful in it, and by doing so, become compassionate with other people. Bottom line.
The trouble is that we’re looking in the wrong places for what we think is joy, and we’ve bought into other concepts in which we think joy is experienced. Or we distrust the joy we’re experiencing as not being valid and not being of social worth. So the bottom line here is: joy is something that exists, can happen within you, and can be a part of the light in every second of your being if you choose to live that way. And when you experience it, everything else will be taken care of. You do not have to worry.
You must allow yourself to trust your life force and not second-guess it. Trust your instinct. It is a sum total of your entire existence. It is a vast library of information. We blind ourselves to it when we shut down our access to our library. It’s incorporating all of that existence, all that work, into this single moment in time. And breathing through it and allowing that funnel through to create the kind of force that will alter existence… that will change lives.
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About Solomon Speaks
Dr. Eric Pearl – the founder of Reconnective Healing – was running a successful chiropractic practice in Los Angeles when a series of bizarre occurrences led him to realize that his gift lay far beyond the realm of spinal adjustment. One patient after another reported healings from cancers, epilepsy, cerebral palsy and other severe health conditions, simply when Dr. Pearl held his hands near them. This coincided with an astonishing series of occurrences when patient Frederick Ponzlov – and others – began delivering coherent messages about the healings that were occurring, seemingly coming from a source beyond our four-dimensional existence here on Earth. But there was much more… profound and life-altering information, illumination and wisdom on how we can improve our lives.
Those insights came courtesy of Solomon, an extra-dimensional intelligence that speaks through Frederick. Later, under specific questioning from Dr. Pearl, the vital content in the new book, Solomon Speaks on Reconnecting Your Life (Hay House), came to light. What this book offers is an entirely new perspective on how to reconnect with, tap into, create, utilize, monitor, manage, and flow forward with the unlimited, expansive power of the Universal energy that enables us to heal, thrive and live our most vital, purposeful, productive, balanced and exuberantly happy life. It provides new insights into the intelligent energy that is the extraordinary force of creation, the source of healing and the connection we have to our higher states of being.

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