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Your Conscious, Friendly Mind – Day 3

Your Conscious, Friendly Mind – Day 3

Your Conscious, Friendly Mind – Day 3

By Baba Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari


Is God Far Away In the Clouds Or In Our Hearts?

Our deluded mind tells us that God is somewhere else — in the heavens, deep in the clouds, far, far away from us — and that we need to call God to come to us, to bless us, to rid us of troubles.

Our friendly, conscious mind reminds us God is now and here, nowhere else. Our friendly, conscious mind reminds us God is sitting in our heart, as our Spirit within. God is Love, Peace, Joy, Harmony, Balance, Laughter, Wisdom, and Universal Consciousness.

See Also

The distance and separation between God and us is our own creation. It is a stubborn illusion of the mind. It is also the source of all miseries; how can we ever feel happy without the Beloved of our heart? How could we find peace without meeting our own Beloved for whom we have been searching and seeking through all of our births?

We cannot climb a mountain to reach God. We cannot walk a hundred or even a thousand miles to reach God. We cannot go to a church, mosque, or temple to reach God. God can only be found in the truth of nearness. God is within us, the Spirit within.

When we are awakened, living moment to moment, the God in us is alive, fully conscious and available. Deep in our heart, in the very core of our being, God is. God lives within us as our own Beloved.

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