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Astrology Forecast for July 8-14, 2013

Astrology Forecast for July 8-14, 2013

Saturn’s preference for slow and steady may be agonizing, it’s to your benefit this week. Use it to  prepare, work on, clean up or shore up your own end of these slow-brewing situations. They will break loose quickly and forceably starting next week, when Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune lock into the grand trine and whip up the waters’ movement. (For more on the grand trine, read my July outlook and forecast for July 1-7.)

Watch for the parent/child angle to crop up everywhere now, particularly in terms of who gets to be in control. Saturn is the father and the patriarchy (evident in many a state legislature at the moment), while the New Moon in Cancer, sign of the mother, is drawing attention to home and family, nurturing and emotional security. We’re feeling these issues keenly, personally and not at all rationally, because our experience of them takes root before our brains have fully developed and continues to exist below the reach of conscious thought.

A full discussion of the Cancer New Moon, including suggestions for working with its primal impulses, is in my mooncast. A gigantic push to implement this new phase in nurturing comes Saturday, when Mars enters the amniotic fluid of Cancer and begins his approach to the grand trine.

See Also

Mars is the planet of action and anger. His entry into Cancer provides the Wheaties, spinach or energy drink we need to dive into the waves and and swim through them. When he starts shoving the water around, splashing, surges, backwash and waves will follow.

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