Astrology Forecast for July 8-14, 2013
In the most positive sense, this will motivate us to nurture ourselves and others, to tend to our families and take care of our own emotional needs. Mars is also going to encourage emotional behavior, some of which is going to be pissy, childish, petty, and self-pitying. If you catch yourself heading in that direction, give yourself a time out. If you see this type of behavior coming at you, think of the source as a kindergartner who needs milk, cookies and a nap.
For the six weeks that Mars is in Cancer, a lot of people are going to be pissed off to the point of doing something about it. The patriarchy will ramp up its actions against women, children and families; women will ramp up their actions to protect themselves and their own. Fighting over the food supply will escalate. Note what Russia’s President Putin does to put weight behind his outrage at what Monsanto is doing to the global food supply. Look, too, for more home-gown strikes against genetically modified crops across the world and on our soil, even if it’s not being reported. The incentive could grow to take more control of your own food — such as buying locally, gardening in whatever small way you can, canning, dehydrating and preparing more of your own meals. Don’t be intimidated by those suggestions, though. Your reaction could be as simple and natural as spending more time in farmers’ markets and the kitchen.
Your beneficial course remains to (a) disengage periodically, empty yourself and sit still long enough to hear your own inner voice, (b) heed your emotions, intuition and energetic impulses, (c) rest when you are tired, (d) eat when you are hungry (and pay attention to what you’re eating), (e) not take other people’s behavior, words, assumptions or above all accusations personally and (f) give your mind the job of acting on your impulses, rather than dictating and forcing a plan of action.
Kathy Biehl has been a professional astrologer and psychic for more than 30 years. Book a private session with Kathy at, where you can sign up for her newsletter, listen to her weekly podcasts, and purchase her recordings. You can also follow her daily insights and whimsical photos on Facebook, and find her at the Professional Aquarian YouTube channel.