Facing Your Fears
By Rev. Marcy Ellen
One of the biggest obstacles to spiritual growth in the physical realm is the resistance that people have to facing their fears. Suffering comes from resistance. When you finally surrender to the thing that you have been in resistance to and face your fear head on then suffering will cease. If you keep resisting the fear of a certain situation and never face it that situation or one similar to it will inevitably play out in real life because you will attract that thing that you fear so that you can face and transcend it. In other words you have to face your fear in order to evolve spiritually.
However you do not have to face the situation you fear in real life in order to move beyond the fear that surrounds it. There is another way to get through these life lessons without having to live them out fully in the physical world. There is a way to avoid attracting this situation that you fear and it is a way to shift your energy and your world very quickly.
The best way out of fear is actually to go directly into it. Instead of having to live that fearful situation out in real life you can live that fearful situation out in your MIND! Neither your energy field nor your body knows the difference between real life and imagined life. That is why your body reacts the same way whether you are being chased by someone through a dark alley or whether you are watching someone on television who is being chased by someone through a dark alley. The biological responses of the body are the same. You will experience increased heart rate, higher blood pressure, etc. The same is true for the energy field. It doesn’t care if the fear you are saddling yourself with is based in reality or not. If you toss and turn all night wondering how you are going to pay your rent those thoughts create negative emotions and that energy, unless fully released, gets held up and stored in your energy field. So if the body or the energy field can only shift or transcend this fearful energy by facing it or living it, why wait to live it out in real life? You can live out the entire situation that you fear in less than a half an hour and once you have taken yourself through this imagined scenario and surrender totally in the mind, your body and your energy will shift immediately. All of a sudden this thing that held so much power over you will cease to exist because now you can say to yourself, “Okay, been there, done that, and I survived. All is okay.”
So how do you do this? Take yourself on a little mental trip down Fearful Lane. Set aside a half an hour where you can be totally alone and uninterrupted. Then begin choosing a mental destination. What are you afraid of at this very moment? What keeps you up at night? Are you scared about a financial situation? Perhaps your job is being cut or your alimony payments are going to end soon. Are you scared of losing someone? Is there a relationship issue that is imprisoning you? Do you have a health issue that frightens you? Whatever it is, and there may be many, choose one to focus on in this fear facing meditation. Once you have established your destination begin to walk yourself through all the worst case scenarios that this particular situation brings to mind. Don’t hold back. Remember you are safe right here in this moment. This is only a journey of the mind. Are you scared of death, being broke, being alone? Whatever it is take yourself there and let yourself feel every emotion that comes up with that mental experience. Remember e-motion is energy in motion so as you feel and release emotion you are physically moving and releasing fear from the body.
Once you have reached the absolute bottom of this situation and have felt all the worst case scenarios then start to bring yourself back up. Now that you have surrendered, there is no place to go but up. So now you can start to focus on the good in this situation. In other words try really hard now to find the positive. For example, maybe in this scenario you are running out of money and you have to downsize from a house to an apartment. After feeling this loss completely then imagine the freedom that you could feel. Maybe downsizing would simplify things. Maybe a smaller place would be less stressful, less cluttered, maybe it would be easier to clean. There is always some light that you can focus on after you have taken yourself through the darkness; you just have to search for it. After going on this journey mentally and emotionally and surviving it in your mind you will open your eyes to a new found peace. It’s the peace that comes from finally surrendering. You will see that it was never the situation that was causing you fear and suffering, it was only your resistance to that situation and you unwillingness to face your fear about it.
Now this fearful energy that consumed you whenever it surfaced from time to time and may have even kept you up many nights with worry will all of a sudden begin to dissipate. You will have a new energy of peace and surrender and that energy will actually begin attracting you to things and situations on a completely different road. Fearful Lane will be closed and you will begin driving down a better paved road with far prettier scenery.
Don’t let far off fictional situations imprison you. Take them by the reigns by living them out mentally. Our fears are based in illusion, not reality. They have to be because they all based around situations that haven’t happened yet. They are based in the future which is a point in time that does not exist. All that exists is this moment here and now. So face your fears today so that tomorrow you can begin driving down a new and improved road. This is your journey and you get to choose the roads in which you want to travel down. So shut down all the roads that bring you fear and reroute yourself onto the roads that bring you peace.
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Rev. Marcy Ellen is the author of The Soul Truth; Reflections for the Waking Soul. She is a spiritual channel, Reiki Master, energy healer, and a radio host with a Master of Divinity Degree from the University of Metaphysical Sciences. www.revmarcyellen.com
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