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Eckhart Tolle Book Launches Movie Crowdfunding Campaign

Eckhart Tolle Book Launches Movie Crowdfunding Campaign


Bain has made a career focused on creating transformational movies, including Oscar winner “What Dreams May Come,” Emmy nominated “Homeless to Harvard, ” and “The Celestine Prophecy.”

Hulo Films Producer, Stephen Huszar believes that crowdfunding is a game-changer for independent filmmakers like him catering to specialty audiences. “By connecting directly with people interested in transformational entertainment, we hope to show that making mainstream movies about spiritual ideas is an idea whose time has come.”

Contributors to the MILTON’S SECRET Indiegogo launch will be entitled to various incentives based on their level of donation, everything from a special edition copy of the finished film, an on-screen film credit, a walk-on speaking role to VIP Red Carpet Premiere tickets.

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For more information or to contribute to the campaign please visit:

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