Future Lives
Future Lives: How Future Life Progression Can Help You
by Lorraine Flaherty
How many people ever really take time out to stop and think about where their choices in life will lead them? How many create a definite plan for their life; choosing goals that are important to them. Not doing this can be a dangerous thing because without a plan people get caught up in the dreams and the goals of those around them: family, peers, significant others.
I have been teaching Clinical Hypnosis and Accelerated Learning skills at Medical schools all over the UK, which include Oxford and Cambridge, for many years, and it is astounding just how many of the students I taught had no real interest in medicine; the dream of being a doctor belonged to their parents and, with no idea of what they wanted for themselves, they just went along with it. Seven years training is a long time to commit to something that you have no passion for.
How many people live their lives in quiet frustration; dreams of another life just below the surface? Having a clear idea of who you are, what you want, what your passion is and where your skills lie is hugely important because as Yogi Barra once said ‘If you don’t know where you are going; you will end up somewhere else’.
Many of my clients come to see me at points in their lives where they are no longer happy or satisfied and they want to understand more about themselves and what is possible for them in their future lives. They come when the need for a change becomes insistent and can no longer be ignored. Often they fear change, the risks of letting go of the familiar seem too great and so they stay put, tolerating the intolerable for year after year. The wonderful thing about exploring the future in a Future Life Progression session is that there is no risk; all manner of changes can be explored. No time, money or energy is wasted on bad ideas and the clarity that is provided means that people can move forward in their lives with no more indecision or sleepless nights; just a confidence that they are on the right path and doing the right thing.
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