Future Lives

I had one client who was struggling with her job, she was incredibly organised and conscientious, but had great difficulty saying no to anyone, including her partner who gave her very little help around the home; even thought they both worked the same long hours. She found that her work load was increasing by the day, she was exhausted and felt very overwhelmed by how much others expected of her. She knew that something had to change but was not sure how to go about it.
As she floated into her most probable future she saw that she had married her partner, they had moved to the country and she had two small children. He worked in the City and commuted every day, which meant only spending time with the children at weekends as they were already in bed by the time he got home and not yet up when he had to leave. They were living in a comfortable house and she was able to juggle her time around the children, running the home and maintaining her part time job. She was comfortable but felt a little stretched.
I took her into an alternative version of the future and here she found herself in the same house, same children, only this time she had more time on her hands. She had recognised her talents in the workplace and as a result had a much better job. This meant that she had more money and had employed someone to help with the house and the children. She felt much more empowered in this version although was not sure that she liked the idea of someone else spending so much time with her children. They did get to have nice holidays and so there was more quality time as a family.

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